Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Eric Liddell (on his missionary work in China and his passion for running):

“I believe that God made me for a purpose. For China. But he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure.”

I have always loved that quote and the story behind it.

Eric Liddell is the missionary who ran in the Olympics.
But he would not run on Sunday. The day his race was scheduled.
Instead he ran another, longer race on a different day.
He won and set a world record.

Such an inspiration.

And as I plan the hours and days I will schedule photoshoots....
I am reminded of Eric's strong stand against working on Sunday and
it encourages me to do the right thing.

Might not be good for business.
But it is good for my soul and ultimately my witness.


And since I can't think of anything else to write about today,
I guess it is the day to share some very big news with you all.

Katie is going to school next fall.

She is giddy with excitement.

Patrick and I know this is what is best for her.

She will go to the small Parochial school that her cousins have all attended.
They have had wonderful experience there and have done very well.

The day Katie and I visited we found the teachers warm and excited and extremely welcoming.

Katie didn't want to come home and asked if she could go there for the rest of the year.
She is counting the days until school starts.

I am sad and going to miss her. But I can't homeschool her because it is best for me.
Fourteen years ago we decided to take it a year at a time as far as homeschooling the children.

My husband felt the boys needed to be in a high school.
And Matthew needed anything but homeschool.
Emma loved it and never asked to try something different.
Katie has had her eyes on the school playgrounds for years.

And so it goes.

There will be new challenges for both of us.

I have told her if she gets a bad attitude or a baditude,
I would love to continue homeschooling her to keep her in check....

She will surely be worn out from long days on the go.

But she will adjust.

As you can tell from reading this blog,
I love being with Katie. For me, our days are delightful.
So I will feel left out.

But I have a peaceful feeling about this decision.
It feels very right to us.


Encourage one another

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