What I remembered was hearing the whole school recite a portion of St. Luke's Gospel.
It reminded me of Linus reciting it in A Charlie Brown's Christmas.
My favorite part.
Well. I like to watch Snoopy ice skate too.
But hearing Linus say, 'that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown' has always made me glad.
There is not a lot of scripture telling on television.
I think of it as Charles Shultz's beautiful testimony in a way.
Anyway, Patrick brought his iphone and I recorded St. Luke's gospel on Thursday night.
It fell apart at the end. Ah well. You get the idea.
It is a sweet and lovely tradition.

The view from our back door.
I'll let you know when I get further than the door to take a picture.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Encourage one another,
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