Time to bake the cookies. Not me, mind you. I am the photographer. Not the baker.
My husband is the baker. He bought the family business when we were first married. Yes, that's right.
Boucher's Bakery.
These cut outs are a tradition.
Katie needed cookies to take to school for her Birthday treat, so she asked her daddy to make them.
I wanted to use the angels.
I did not get my way.

I made Katie move the coats on the couch.

This is serious business.

All baked and ready for the frosting.




smile pretty for the camera

katie helps

Little Miss Eager

Thank you Patrick!!! Katie was very proud to take her shoebox full of cookies to school today!!!
"Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love."
Craig Claiborne, Kitchen Primer
Encourage one another,
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