This is what we woke up to this morning.
Well, kinda of. This was taken at seven. (I work up at five. I don't sleep much anymore.)
Not quite light yet.
Very, very blue Christmas.
This wind is suppose to pick up and I wanted you all to see the lovely skirts the trees are wearing today.

Did you watch The Biggest Loser last night?
What spectacular transformations!!! Remarkable!
Did anyone watch So you think you can dance?
Why is everyone's name spelled so weird?
Why hasn't anyone mentioned how much the Ryan, ballroom dancer looks like Hugh Jackman?
Is Jakob the best dancer you have ever seen?
I think his dancing is spellbinding!
Seems like they are cutting the season short? Are their ratings down?
One other thing I have notices this year. Jakob is very slim and seems quite small and he has lifted the women with amazing grace and ease. He really is amazing.

Katie is already out in the snow.
Gotta grab the camera!
Stay warm and safe everyone!
Encourage one another,
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