Thursday, November 29, 2012

What did you do today?

On the way home from school I ask Katie, "How was your day?"  She tells me a bit of this and that.
Then she kindly asks, "What did you do today?"
I'm a little taken back to be asked this.
I don't know why, but I am.

I said, "I watched a lot of TV and I took care of Ginny and read comments on the blog."

I forgot to tell her that I made myself a turkey sandwich, the old fashioned way.


Strangely my husband and I both eat our turkey sandwiches with mayonnaise and ketchup.
I add lettuce.  yum.

I posted a picture on Instagram and wondered how other people liked their turkey sandwiches.
I was expecting many 'with cranberry sauce' comments.   I did not see many of those.
A few people said with mustard and cheese.  That sounds weirder than my method.

I wonder if it is regional?

Let me know how you like your sandwich and include your location.
I find this fascinating.


I watched Ginny all day.  She still needs a lot of attention.  She went outside many times yesterday and got stuck twice.  She barks and has to be told to shush.  She loves to collect paper and rummage thru the garbage.  I have the broom standing on top of the garbage can because she is wary of the broom.
We are still using the baby gate to keep her nearby...
Yup I have an active one year old in the house.


I also finished the scarf I was working on.   Isn't it pretty!!!
Emma and I found this pattern at the local knitting store.
It calls for two skeins of Noro Silk Garden yarn.
Or one skein of solid worsted and one skein of Noro Silk Garden.

This is what I did for this pattern.  One solid, one striped.

I have already cast on a second scarf.  I love colors.
For the second scarf I am using two skeins of the Noro.
It's pretty already.


So even tho I had the TV on and watched all my shows...
I guess I accomplished a few other things.

I actually need days like this.
Days like this give me the strength and energy to handle the crazy ones.

They certainly aren't thrilling conversation material...
but who has days like that anyway?

Besides poor Lindsay Lohan.
(arrested again)

So don't forget to tell me about your sandwiches.

Encourage one another,