Friday, October 25, 2013

ordinary day


Katie looking like Esther Jean wearing one of her cousins sweatshirts at our Target Starbucks where she will order a tall hot chocolate.

She LOVES the big pumpkin!

The big pumpkin is for people who are going to go trick or treating and stay out really long.  Katie can never eat all the candy she gets anyway.  While she thought it was funny and cute...she does NOT want to carry it around.  thankyouverymuch.

Pad Thai  a la The Chew

I watched The Chew last week.  Daphne Oz made this Pad Thai.  I thought it sounded simple enough.
I tell you, I used every pan and pot and bowl and spoon in my house.

The steps are mixed up on the recipe too.

The recipe, which I followed, forgot to tell you to make the sauce before sauteing the veggies and chicken and eggs.  I sauteed.  The the paper said, now add sauce.  Which had not been made yet.

While I do think the recipe is written incorrectly and I want to be mad at Daphne....

One of the first rules of cooking is to read the whole recipe first.


I liked the Pad Thai.  Katie said she liked it but ate very little.
I still like the Pad Thai my friend Lynn made for me and the blog about five years ago best.

Mr. Safety and Lynn make Pad Thai.

By the way.  I am a terrible chopper.  Look how big my cilantro is?
Any tips?


I spent the rest of the day doing dishes.  It was like a clown car...they just kept coming...those dishes.

Enjoy your Friday!  I don't know what Katie and I will do today...
perhaps a little tire shopping.

I will be remembering sweet Sue as it is her birthday today.

But that's about it.

Hugs and Kisses.
Mean it.



  1. Oh, mr. Safety. Lynn. How I miss you!! I remember this post like it was yesterday. So, so fun. And beautifully staged food shots!!!

  2. Just sat down and here you are! I love it when that happens :-)

    It's uncanny how Katie resembles your dear mom in that first photo.

    Hmmmm Pad Thai sounds delicious. Big cilantro is the Huge.

    Bless your heart and all the family on this day, Sue's birthday.

  3. I have never had pad thai. I guess I will try it someday : ). Maybe I will try it sooner rather than later because of this post : ).

    How fabulous is it that Katie has today off? I love having a Friday off. I am working from home today, so it is sort of like I am off too. Only I have a million things I must do before Kaish gets home from school in 3 hours and 48 minutes.

    Cilantro is my favorite. I am also a big chopper.

    Kaish doesn't want to trick or treat this year. I am pretty sad about it. You know how I feel about childhood ending, right? : (.

    I love coming to visit you. You always share a smile. I will think of you and your sister today.

    Love, Becky

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I find rolling the cilantro leaves together and then using scissors to snip it, works best for me.
    :) Suzanne

    1. Scissors! Great idea!!!

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      This is the way I have found to do it. It works for all fresh herbs of course. If you roll them and use a knife, it helps to have retractable nails. I made homemade enchilada sauce a couple of years ago and used every item in my kitchen as well. I have made it since and have used hardly any. I really don't know what changed. : ) Regards-Jamie

  5. I thought Katie looked so grown up in the first photo.

    Lynn and Mr. Safety...what happened to Lynn? She used to post once in a while, and I haven't seen her post in ages.

    Happy birthday to Sue. May happy memories comfort you today, Donna. :)


  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yes, I can't get over how much Katie looks like your mother in that picture. It's amazing.

    I always tear my cilantro. I was going to suggest scissors, too. That's a good idea.

    I have a recipe very similar to your friend Lynn's. Btw, thanks for linking that post. It was fun to read. I make my sauce in the blender. Throw everything in including the garlic cloves. Blend. done. Then cook the noodles, chicken, veggies. Bingo Bango Done-zo! So, so good, especially with the lime.

    Happy Birthday to your sister, Sue! May you and your family be filled with sweet memories and love today.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  7. Donna,
    When I saw that pic of Katie yesterday, I was amazed at how different she looks. And it is your mom...that is it! How special to see Esther's beauty in your daughters.

    Happy birthday, dear Sue! You inspired many of us to love more deeply; thank you!

    Ah, Lynn. Good memories!

    It's Friday. Off to Fresno tomorrow for a basketball showcase, whatever the heck that is. Fresno...not the destination choice for discerning travelers, but oh well! The inside of a gym looks the same in Fresno and Glamor-ville. And we do love car trips! Fun times.

    Happy day,

  8. Roll the herbs then chop but you need the right knife you need a chefs knife chop scrape together chop scrap together and again till you get the consistency you want and you need to do it fast and the knife must be very sharp.

    1. Oh and you use the back part of the knife not the front

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Katie could almost fit in that big pumpkin! Shrimp pad thai from Big Bowl is one of my favorite dishes. Yummmm.

    Happy heavenly birthday to Sue! Thinking of you with love as you remember your Irish twin.

    Mary Z

  10. Cyndi K G4:35 PM

    Love to you! Enjoy the day and thank you for blogging!

  11. Oh Katie as Esther Jean is so adorable. and natural

  12. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I roll the cilantro quite tightly, and slice the roll very thinly. This is a technique called chiffonade and it is highly effective for leafy herbs.

    Nancy Peacock
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  13. chopping leafy things. Roll it up, like you're rolling up modeling clay to make a clay, with the palm of your hands. Hold with nondominant hand, and cut or slicing all the way down the length.


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