Thursday, December 12, 2013

All shall be well.

Christmas program tonight. Last one at Blessed Sacrament. #8th grade.

Katie sang in her final Blessed Sacrament Christmas Program last night.  It was very sweet.  The director picks unique songs and my sister in law plays the piano for the program.  Susan has been playing for this concert for over 25 years.  She has a dear servant's heart!


Only two weeks until Christmas.

I was freaking out on Facebook until Susan responded, "All will be well."
And that soothed my soul.

And I remembered Julian of Norwich's famous quote,
"All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well."


Taking a deep breath and remembering...
All will be well.



  1. If you like the little image with the quote feel free to save it to your computer.
    Please don't put it on facebook or tumblr where it will be stolen and posted uncredited.
    But if you would like it for your computer or even to print out that is fine with me.

    I just realized when I started this new blog template my safeguards for stealing have been eliminted. I will have to figure that out again.

    1. Janice10:11 AM

      I want this for my phone picture!! It's wonderful! Can you put your name or blog watermark on your pictures?

    2. I can but I don't like it. It takes away too much.

    3. Thank you, dear Donna. I did download this and it is my desktop reminder.

      I do hope you can figure out the safeguards. It all takes time, doesn't it?

  2. Both the Gabe Dixon Band and Michael W. Smith put this sentiment into song in very helpful and memorable ways. Stay tuned for links. :) Also, a gorgeous Welsh hymn called "all will be well". It's been a helpful adage for generations. It's such a peace-giver for me. I love the import of it....


    2. And, MWS...

    3. That Gabe Dixon Band version is my favorite. I have it on a CD of songs that SWB sent me when my mom was dying...she titled it Songs for the Overwhelmed. And that song set the tone from the beginning. All Will Be Well. Just to type it makes me breathe more slowly!


    4. thanks for the links Steph!

    5. You know, SWB, my famous friend. No big deal. ;)

    6. Two words: Fernando Ortega.


    7. Heh heh heh.

  3. Thanks for this, Donna. And Susan. Such good truth.

    John has a co-worker very ill with cancer, and his mother and step-father are both very ill with the same. We needed this today! I was just reading a prayer in an Orthodox prayer book that reminded me that the Holy Spirit was sent as our comforter. Oh, comfort is so very welcome.

    Blessings on all this Thursday!


    1. And, another thing (-: Katie is so lovely. Esther's tranquil beauty!


    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Yes, I agree. Katie does resemble Esther. Very beautiful. Thank you, Donna, for the reminder that all will be well and for permission to use your image. My new computer screensaver.....deep breath....all will indeed be well.

      Debbie Z.

  4. I was totally thinking about the quote about "... all manner of things shall be well" when I threw in my 2 cents worth yesterday on FB.

    I truly believe that what is *supposed* to get done before Christmas, will. And the rest can probably be saved til next year. Or next Christmas! That's what I think anyway.

    I'm so thankful for the Prince of Peace. :-)

    ** also, LOVELY image!!!!! I really love it.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    That's the truth, Donna! All will be well. Thanks be to Christ!
    Now....I do have to remind myself of this all the time because I am human. Every little thing is gonna be ok.

    Love you all,
    Sarah P. from Iowa

    Katie looks so pretty in her sparkly dress!

  6. Katie looks so beautiful! We always seem to get it together , and nowadays I even have fun getting ready. NOt having to work on the Holidays this year is so FUN! No wonder people jump into the Spirit …it makes such a difference knowing I'll be home instead of working!!!!

    1. Wow!! Enjoy your special Christmas at home!

  7. I needed that today! Thank you :) And all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all in the manner of things shall be well :)

  8. I love my new desktop image - thanks Donna!

  9. Thanks for the desktop pic, Donna. It is so soothing.


  10. I am having the MOST frantic week....This is what I need to see today. My motto to get me through to Christmas. I desparately want to enjoy it but I'm just drowning. I will remind myself that All Will be Well.
    Thank you.

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Such love here….Thanks be to God for you each one!
    I have a bit longer version that helps me from the book All Will Be Well Ed. by Lyn Klug
    "And so our Good Lord answered to all the questions and doubts which I could raise, saying most comfortingly: I may make all things well, and I can make all things well, and I shall make all things well….And you will see yourself that every kind of thing will be well…And in these …words, God wishes us to be enclosed in rest and in peace." p.27 Julian of Norwich
    love and prayers and thanksgiving for you Donna and all you give to us, jep

    1. Oh, jep, that is SO good. So, so good.

    2. reading with my first cup of coffee. LOVE. this. thanks :-)

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Everyone has already said it all. Beautiful post with beautiful pictures followed by beautiful comments and sentiments. (((LOVE)))!!!!!!

    Mary Z

  13. That saying has been my mantra for several years now. It really IS soothing.

  14. This was the most perfect reminder. I was stressing just tonight.

  15. Beautiful reminder, Donna. Thank you.

    Katie, you are a lovely young lady. Your inner beauty shines!


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