Thursday, December 19, 2013


When I look at pictures of Emma I feel all peaceful like.
That's sort of odd.
But she is a serene girl.

In fact, the only time I have seen her rattled lately is when she couldn't find her 'baby's first Christmas' ornament.

It is very tiny and could easily get thrown away with the tree...but it hasn't.
And I know now to be very careful never to lose it.  Emma is not attached to things...except this wee ornament.


What 'things' are you most attached to?
What would you be saddest to lose?



  1. Hi, me again :-) Just came upstairs - I live in an apartment and we have a community washing room downstairs and it's my day to do wash today. We sign up on a calendar. I wanted to give you a little background info ;-) The life of a haus frau - hehe.

    But it makes the sitting down on the loveseat all the sweeter - after doing the laundry - and to find that here you are Donna. Thank you for being here. Just had to throw that in.

    Emma radiates peace in her photos. That is a lovely thing.

    What am I attached to? One year I could not find my special box of the kids tree ornaments - it was when we still lived in Alaska. I really thought they got tossed when my husband did a major clean out/re-organization project. And I about came unglued. So I understand how Emma felt when she couldn't find this sweet ornament.

    The happy ending: we found the box where it should NOT have been, the next year. whew!

    Other precious items are mostly photos. I have my grandma's charm bracelet in a safe place back in Illinois, and I kinda wish I had it with me here. I'm just sayin'.

    I'm curious to see what other folks say.

  2. I couldn't even tell you why I care so much about that ornament. But I do. There are so few "things" I have attachments for. By the way, who has been wearing my knit cowl these days? ;)

    I really like the two rings I wear and would be sad if I lost either. These rings are about the only jewelry I have successfully not lost. I also love my simba stuffed animal... don't judge.

    1. Simba! We gave our son a Simba for his first Christmas. He still sleeps with him. This is how he sleeps every night.
      I'm glad you found your ornament.

  3. I would have to say the family photo albums, especially the one from when my Mom & Dad were young newlyweds and my first pictures. My father passed away when I was 2 years old, so those photos are so very precious to me.

  4. Of course, photos, but I have a very loved, ragged Gund Teddy Bear my mom gave me when I was sent off to ride the bus to pre-school (she always claimed that sending me on a long bus ride was her stupidest moment as a Mom). I am in my early 60's now, and my mom passed away in 2010--enough said.

  5. I have my grandmothers cuckoo clock reminds me of her every time I hear it. I also have some very precious ornaments.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What a serene photograph of Emma and so beautiful…just the right light. I have been thinking about this very idea of things and what I can do without now for the last six months. Nothing brings to light how much stuff we have better than a move and moving my dad to an apt. after a condo has ended up with a lot of his stuff now residing in our living room and study and two bedrooms upstairs. We have sold, given away, donated to and tossed in the garbage and there are still boxes. At this point the only thing I would not want to live without is my husband and a computer for reaching out to others with email and on this blessed blog of QL. Once eons ago we were living in a rental with an old furnace that started making strange noises about ten mins. after all the guys left to go fishing. My mother got her purse and mine and I got the two paintings of our sons and we got in the car and called the landlord. False alarm, but it did show me what is important…people first, most stuff can be replaced.
    love and prayers, jep

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Well, besides the obvious, photos, photo albums and my computer that has a million photos on it, I just mentally scanned my house and the only things I am attached to is my daughter's blanket and two stuffed animals that we bought for her while she was in the NICU. She carries that blanket around almost everywhere we go.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The people I love, family photos, and my very shabby-looking Bible. My husband gave it to me for my 21st birthday and the red leather cover is frayed and worn out but inside it has notations I have written and I know where favorite verses are on the page and I love it very much. I have heard that it is possible to have a Bible re-covered but I had never learned where that might be. I have all sorts of things in the house that I enjoy- special gifts from loved ones, antiques, paintings- but could I live without them? Sure, they are just things that won't be going with me to heaven.

    Debbie Z.

    1. Debbie, you are right. I love my Bible. I've only had it about 15 years, but I love it.

      Back in Illinois I have a Bible from when I turned 14 that my brother gave me - it is precious to me. My maiden name is stamped on it.

      And up in Alaska, at my Dad's house I have my Mom's Bible with all her notes - in her handwriting. Thinking about it makes me get all misty. :-) All 3 of these Bibles are dear.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Oh Susan, how special that you have your Mom's Bible with her handwriting in it. I have my grandpa's Bible with his handwriting. How I loved to sit by him in church as a child and hear his deep bass voice singing hymns and hear his prayers at the dinner table. God's faithfulness to generations. Now I am misty, too. Sending love to you this Christmas season in Switzerland.

      Debbie Z.

    3. thanks Debbie!

    4. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Handwriting is so personal, every time I see my mom's or grandmother's or even my MIL's handwriting on recipes or letters saved…I can feel them and their love. And, to have a Bible with handwriting in it from a loved one is such a gift. Makes me wish my family had done more writing in Bibles. jep

    5. hi jep - I am carrying on the tradition - writing in my margins for my daughters to read after I'm gone :-)

      I have my Grandma's "Joy Club" materials and Sunday School lessons, written out in her hand, and they are precious, too. <3

  9. Even if I don't need it I get very anxious if I can't find any of my inhalers for my asthma. AND I'm not very attached to things... my son however has a towel - a hand towel from Bed Bath and Beyond, that he has slept with every night (every.night) since he was 11 months. He's now 8 and is worried that it will not last him his whole life. He's so sweet.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I am with you Jill, my inhalers and other medicine make life so much better…hard to do without. Good point! jep

  10. Okay, I experienced the great comment section black hole today...let's see if this comment sticks:

    The only things I would be really devastated to lose are my two rings: my wedding ring and my father's signet ring. I don't wear them when I am doing messy cooking or to sleep in, so I have had a few moments of thinking they might be lost. I was not, shall we say, serene in those moments.

    Come to think of it, I don't think anyone anywhere at any time has ever called me serene.

    Much love,

  11. A big box containing all of our Christmas ornaments, stockings, and other decor was accidentally thrown away during a move because it wasn't labeled properly and it was so lightweight. I was 11 or so but I still remember how upset my mom was that she had just lost so many handmade ornaments and other mementos from years before. You better believe from that point on all the Christmas boxes were labeled like crazy!

  12. a little coral heart that Fireman bought for me on our honeymoon, which was our first Christmas together as man and wife. Emma is beautiful

  13. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Well, the dog and the cat would be first. As far as material possessions-Foxy Loxy, my father's childhood toy fox-it might e a Steiff, but that doesn't matter.. The mohair is a bit sparse but you can still move Foxy's tail up and down so the head moves. My beloved late dogs' urn with their ashes. Silly, but when I hold it, I can almost feel they are present. Also the little glass topped box that has little family treasures that are of no financial worth, but huge emotional value. Hair combs that were the grandmothers', Grandpa's wooden carpenter rule, etc.

  14. My photos and videos would be hard to lose. Sentimental for memories.

  15. Anonymous7:28 AM

    A few rings (wedding and anniversary) and some of my books. I have the first novel from when I graduated to "chapter books" in 2nd grade (Little Women) plus my collections of Jane Austen, Harry Potter, etc. that I've read and re-read and love seeing on the bookshelf. It sounds strange writing it out, but that's how I feel.

    Emma is so lovely -- inside and out.

    Mary Z

    1. I totally hear ya, about fav books. I feel the same way. :-)

  16. Could Emma be any more lovely?
    Is it possible? I don't think so.
    I am attached to my camera : ). And pictures of Kaishon. I think that those are only worldly possessions I couldn't live without. Oh, my fan at night when I sleep. I have to have a fan. That's it.

    I am sure I will think of one million more things now that you have said this. I am so glad you found the ornament. PHEW!


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