Saturday, August 02, 2014

Good deal

#spinbrush #7.99 #target

This little tooth brush is called a Spin Brush.  It only cost 7.99.
We have always wanted to try a tooth brush like this but they are expensive and I
just couldn't get myself to buy one.

Katie spotted these at Target the other day. 
(I had seen them on a talk show but they weren't in the stores yet.)
So we grabbed one and have both tried it.

It works just fine.

Now we will see how long it works.

Just thought I'd pass that along.


p.s.  Yes. I said we both tried it. :op


  1. Target is a real problem for me.... : )
    I like your new toothbrush.
    I hope your weekend is nothing but happy.
    Ours is a little cloudy. I have a shoot tonight at 6:00 and the kids are coming to help me get the little ones to smile. The mom invited my munchkins. How could I say no to that? : ). Now, my munchkins, who are barely munchkins anymore, are not as excited as I am about it. Oh well!

  2. I love a good toothbrush! Can't beat it. (I also love Target, but that's another story for another day.)

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    It's cute!!!

    (I'm like Mrs. Gray ^^ I LOVE Target! It's one store that I ALWAYS visit when home in the States :-)


  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Such a smart looking toothbrush, stylish I think. And, the paint color on the wall there is lovely, too. I like the section of Target when you first walk in that has the baskets of inexpensive and cheap shopping. And, that is close to the Starbucks, so it always smells good in that area. love and prayer, jep

  5. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Chevron patterns are everywhere -- even on toothbrushes! LOVE how you knew to clarify that you and Katie both tried it. :)

    Happy weekending!

    Mary Z


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