Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The Cardigan Series




Sweater Weather?

A little bit. 
This whole summer has been a sweater weather summer.

All you can do it embrace it.



  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Love the photos, the facial expressions of the little cutie in them and the title "The Cardigan Series".

    Embracing the chill and chill-laxing in Chicagoland,
    Mary Z

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    A little on the chilly side here today -- but it was nice and sunny and warm yesterday. This Alaskan girl can handle it either way. But considering the winter you all endured, it would be nice to have some scorcher days thrown into the mix, yes?

    Cheers from Susan in Munich

  3. Gettin' grown up, that girl

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Gorgeous photos. Like Emma said...she's growing up.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  5. Sitting down here in the sauna that is Florida and I gotta say I'm pretty darn jealous of that sweater weather.

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sweater Weather....I have a poem somewhere in my library about such a thing, but searching high and low and cannot find it. So, here is my feeble attempt:

    Summer Sweater

    I set off on a lovely walk
    Upon a summer's day.
    Did not get far before back I go...
    Forgot to get my sweater!

    The original was far better.
    Ah sweet Katie, precious and beautiful in each photo. Pretty sweater, too!
    love and prayers, jep


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