Friday, August 22, 2014

Shake it off!

In which I take advice from T-Swift.

Both my sister Janet and my daughter Emma texted me asking if I liked this new song from Taylor Swift.  This morning Katie and I watched the video.

We think it's pretty cute and funny.


Guess what?

It feels like summer has finally arrived!


We stopped to watch the sun set on this beautiful summer night. And then the girls danced.

Encourage one another,


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Feel good song. Feel good picture. Thank you and happy Friday!!! xo

    Mary Z

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Is Shake it Off sort of like ...

    "Let it Go?" haha

    Snappier beat of course.

    What a FUN tune.

    ~ Susan

  3. Taylor's looks sure look grown now, don't they?! Catchy tune. And oh yes--the soggy and HOT dog days of summer are upon us too!

  4. It is a feel good song...lots of fun! Must have been a fun video to make.

    Mary Z, how's your Molly doing?


  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    ^^ ditto to what Di said -- what's the word from Molly?


  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Yay for summer! I will watch the video a little later. Right now I am seated across from my two favorite law students who are hard at work on their respective laptops while I read blogs and FB on mine. :) I wouldn't want to distract them with a feel-good video. LOL. I'm excited for the hot weather because it will extend our pool season by a few weeks. Cassie and Daniel and friends are visiting Labor Day weekend and I am SO hoping we can all enjoy the pool. Such a cute picture of your girls.

    Sandy C.

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Shake it off, baby! Thanks for sharing the video. Of course it's finally feeling like summer because school has started. : P

    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Sarah P. from Iowa

  8. Love it, so fun! And a great message for our girls (and some women I know too)!

  9. Love the song. A lot. Don't love the twerking. Oh well. :) (also don't love the heat and humidity. But I won't complain because it's been a perfect summer. :))

    Love ya!

  10. I'm digging the song!

  11. Pretty much I could copy and paste everything Steph said. The picture of your girls is just perfect.

  12. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thanks Donna! I don't know why, but this video really made me smile!
    Love to you!!! Liz Mikutowski

    1. Hi Liz! I'm always so happy to hear from you!!

  13. Anonymous3:29 PM

    My Molly is doing great. She is busy with orientation activities and says everyone she meets has been so nice and friendly. I am glad she is so happy. Wednesday evening after we moved her in, there was a convocation and blessing of the class of 2018 that parents attended, too. There was an inspirational speech, singing and plenty of legitimate reasons for maternal tears. I loved it. :)

    Thanks so much for asking after her! xoxo Mary Z

    1. Yah for friendly people! And I think ceremonial beginnings are just as important as ceremonial endings. Glad to hear it was an excuse for tears (-:

      Blessings on you and Molly, Mary!


  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Miz Boo, I want to tell you that my sister Emily had a healthy baby boy this morning. They are doing great and we are all in love. : ) just wanted to share my happy news!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

    1. The happiest days are when babies are born!! Can you share his name? I love hearing names!! Congrats :)

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      TBTG for friendly folks at school and ceremonies that allow tears and new babies. Makes it easier to "shake off" the harsher things in life here on earth. Praying God will bless you each one here at QL. love and prayers, jep

  15. I hadn't heard it yet. I am glad I have you to keep me up to date on the latest musak! ; )
    I did hear a song this weekend that I liked. I think it was called All About the Face. Should I look it up and share a link? OK : )

  16. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Lovely posts-as usual. My daughter & I are currently obsessed with the song/video-"All About That Bass"-by Megan Trainor


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