Thursday, August 21, 2014



She made the team.

The tryouts were conducted over three days. 
After night one, Katie was asked to come to the JV tryouts with five other freshman.
She was honored to be asked to do this.  Tuesday and Wednesday she went to the JV tryouts.
Wednesday the coaches took the girls one at a time to tell them where they would be playing.

Katie was told she would be on the Freshman team.  The JV coach told her that she is a good setter but they have enough setters already.  He told her that she will get a lot of 'touches' on the Freshman team and can be a team leader. (I can't tell you how grateful I am that the coaches took the time to talk to each girl.)  Then Katie talked to the Freshman coach who said how excited she was to have Katie on the team. 

We are all glad that Katie was considered for JV, but we know that Katie will play much more on the freshman team and make friends with the girls in her class. 

Practice starts today! 
I can't wait to go to a game :o)

Go Wildcats!



  1. Yay!!!! High school volleyball is fun.

  2. Woo Hoo, Katie! Congratulations for making it on the Team! Good Luck this season!

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Way to go, Katie! Best of luck to you!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Fabulous news :-) When I read the first line I busted out in a grin. Reading how the coaches were so good about how they shared the news, the whole process - made me so happy too.

    HooRAY for Katie - have fun! You too, Donna :-)

    ~ Susan in Munich

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    So very happy for Katie!! That's fabulous news!! And more touches on the ball means more opportunity for development and growth, so that's good news as well. She is going to have SO much fun!! As will you! :)

    Mary Z

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Yay, Katie! Way to go! Have a great season.

    Debbie Z.

  7. Way to go Katie!!!! -Missy

  8. That's fantastic!!

  9. Anonymous5:04 PM

    YAHOO............YIPPE YI KI AY!...................AWESOMENESS Katie..................You're right Donna, she'll play more, gain more experiences and best of all, meet and become friends with the girls in her class! SO happy for Katie who's put so much work into all of it! Karen F.

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hooray for Katie and Go Wildcats!!!
    love and prayers, jep

  11. YAY! Way to go, Katie! She's gonna rock that freshman team! :-)

    Tammy ~@~

  12. It's such a tricky balance between the honor of being on the older team and actually getting the experience and playing time on the younger team. It sounds like your coaches really understand the girls! What a blessing. And GO KATIE!!! She's going to do great!

    And we can happily continue to get bleacher butt (-:

    My very first Back to School Night tonight. I continue to feel like I have a 6'4" kindergartner. I am getting the packed lunch thing down, though. Baby steps.


    1. Anonymous1:30 AM

      this made me smile as I drank my a.m. coffee - Di with a REALLY tall kindergartner :-)

      and ... school lunches can be a trial. blessings to you - for all of it !!

      ~ Mrs. Munich

    2. I noticed your pins on Pinterest :o)
      Back to school night. That's funny.

  13. YAY! Way to go, Katie! You are sensational. I think any team is a great team!

  14. Congratulations, Katie!

  15. How fun! Hope it's a wonderful experience for her!

  16. I choked up a little when I read about Katie as our daughter Grace had a similar experience with gymnastics. When I read about how the coaches met with each of the girls, and the explanations that were given, I am reminded that many of my friends who are educators tell me they truly feel a 'calling' to mentor and walk alongside young people. These examples drive that point home, in my opinion.

    What a gift the coaches gave Katie/girls (and your family) by walking alongside her/them to interpret the decision-making process. Katie really did get the best of both worlds - she was invited to 'step up' (which is an honor), and then was given the honor of being recognized as a leader for the Freshman team. All things that lovely young lady of yours deserves.... If nothing for her talent, which she clearly has, her heart and spirit exude leadership at every turn...

    I don't know if you knew I lived in WI for a few years (Dad was an Army surgeon for residency, so I moved A LOT), but I lived in WI longer than anywhere else during my growing up years. I miss it, truth be told, and experienced that missing feeling when I lived there again, this time married with kids, just 5 or so years ago. We only lived near Milwaukee for a year, but there's something about WI that I like..... and this story is one of them.

    Thank you for sharing your life story here, Donna. We just dropped our eldest at college yesterday, and I am on a roller coaster of emotions. Coming here has been a respite in the storm....

    -- mary e. from wheaton

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      (((mary e))) emotional roller coasters are tough. better days ahead.

      ~ Susan

    2. Thank you for your kind encouragement mary e. :o)
      I hope your eldest is not too far away and you can visit often!
      I will never be okay with the miles between my children and myself.
      As I tell my kids when they face something hard. "You need to bear it bravely."

      And so do I.


    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Prayers of support for you, Mary E. That roller coaster can really rock our worlds! I hope your eldest child has a wonderful college experience.

      Mary Z

    4. thank you, susan, donna, and mary z. for your kind words and encouragement. we attended our son's convocation yesterday, and already noticed a change in him. letting go is hard, and not at all what i anticipated (how I wish I'd anticipated it as it seems to have hit me like a tsunami), but it is indeed a part of life. you've all made it a bit easier. THANK. YOU.


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