Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Of course I have this.




fun with the flash!
I never use the flash on my D700. 
But I did not have a up popped my flash and I tried very hard to use it.
They turned out okay.  



“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.”
~Eudora Welty

Encourage one another,


  1. Oh my. That picture of Emma with Malachi? Wow.

    Love Melinda's glasses.

    And look at those plaid shorts on the birthday boy! Love it.

    Fun times.


    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Wow, indeed! Love that shot of Emma and Malachi, too. :-)

      ~ Susan

  2. Amy J in WI10:51 AM

    Awww.....birthdays are so much fun! Thanks for sharing! How did that first day of high school go for Katie?

    1. Katie's first day was wonderful, she said.
      Long day. 8:30 until 6:30.

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Great photos, with or without the flash. They tell the story of a wonderful weekend :-)

    ~ Susan

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Great pics! Love Katie's silly fish kiss face. It seems like I always end up using my flash during the holidays or birthdays. I just tell myself it's about the memories and honestly I find a little freedom in that. I don't freak out trying to get the perfect picture or composition. I just snap the pic!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  5. Can they grow up any faster? Wow. I cannot believe how those boys have grown!

  6. There is a Simpsons that references Eudora Welty, only reason I've ever heard of her. Jon Lovitz is guest starring as a movie critic & writer, and at dinner he and Homer both burp really loud. Lisa says "how many pulitzer prize winners can do that!?" Then the Jon Lovitz character says "just me and Eudora Welty."

    Then later in the episode Krusty the clown is judging the movies with them and says he is in a hurry because he has a date with Eudora Welty, then you hear a really loud belch come from the other room.

    Seen this one a bunch of times but the Simpsons Marathon on this past week reminded me of it.

    1. Ayup. The cultural literacy that is the Simpsons. Uncanny.

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Hilarious, Patrick. You and my son would get along just fine. I am sure he knows about nearly episode of the Simpsons also. I have to wonder- was Eudora Welty known for belching, or did the show's producer just make that up? All I know is that she was a southern writer and surely no southern lady would belch. Ha!

    Debbie Z.

    1. I'm pretty sure that is just one of those funny Simpsons things where they make something up to have a good gag in the episode

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Great pix of beautiful people celebrating together! Flash or no, they are winners! The birthday boy and his little bro are SO very cute.

    So glad Katie's first day went well and good luck to Emma on the internship. I suspect she will be a natural.

    Mary Z

  9. I am so glad you could spend the weekend with the boys. Could they possibly be any cuter? Oh my word. : )

  10. I just love looking at these happy faces! So much expression!! :)


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