Monday, September 22, 2014

Televisions best. CBS Sunday morning.

Good news stories.
I love them.
Every week I cry watching CBS Sunday Morning.

God Bless Malcolm, his lady friends, and the Mooks.

Encourage one another,


  1. I couldn't watch your clips, as I have this taped. I save it to watch during the week. It is one of my favorite shows!! xo

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Oh my, so good! Gosh darn it. Makes me smile and my heart full.

    Thank you, Miz Boo,
    Sarah P. from Iowa

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Good Heavens. I cried. I could probably sit her and sob, too, about potential and people and their goodness. But I'll try not to. Phew.

  4. Wow, Donna. These are great stories. Never thought I would get excited about Georgia football!

    And this new dad? "I'm in here working on my culinary skills!" What a fine man.

    Thanks for sharing. Good inspiration for Monday morning.

    Love you,

  5. "Now you're gonna go home and cut my grass!"

  6. I loved these stories! And the football player... what humility! Those ladies have got to be gems too. Why do we all feel like we have to be 'normal' and maintain the status quo. When we start thinking outside the box and doing what it right for the all comes together!

  7. Anonymous2:42 PM

    We saw the clip about the Georgia football player and enjoyed it so much. Anytime someone learns to read and loves it, my heart light turns on and glows. That policeman Detective Mooks is my hero...God bless folks who don't give up on children. Thanks for sharing!
    love and prayers, jep
    PS Next time you ask us what good books we are reading, I have a candidate.

  8. Wonderful clips! I have always appreciated this program and watching these stories makes me miss it a lot!!

    Especially those two boys grinning after their adoption. Sniff - what a sweet story.


  9. Anonymous9:22 PM

    OKAY, now I'm crying. The boys adoption is Awesome! Reminds me of that movie, "the blind side" happy for ALL of them. Thanks for sharing both stories. My feel good moment of the day. Karen F.

  10. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Both videos just made my day. As the mother of two adopted children, I especially loved Detective Mooks and how he has taken these two boys in and loved them. So very wonderful.

    Debbie Z.

  11. I didn't cry but am smiling and choked up. Thanks for watching this and sharing!

  12. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I've watched the adoption story 3 times - and I cry every time. I'm going to have to start recording this Sunday morning show! Thanks for sharing, Donna.

  13. Sobbing at my kitchen table, folding laundry and watching these glory moments. Typical. ;)


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