Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween movies @ Pdubs website


I wrote a post for the Entertainment section at The Pioneer Woman's website again.

It's for Halloween movies.

Halloween Movies for Chickens

Have you seen Misery?  
Kathy Bates' wardrobe = My wardrobe-the homeschool years.
That's scary too.

Have you seen all the movies on the list?

 Miz BOO


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Great write up! I've seen all 10 movies, but half were too scary/creepy for me to ever re-watch. To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, Bad Seed, E.T. and Sixth Sense are favorites and can be re-watched. Actually, TKAM is almost memorized!

    Your wardrobe comment made me laugh. I spent plenty of years in denim vests and jumpers, too. The pictures make me cringe a little, but not as bad as the perm years. :)

    Mary Z

    1. Mary, I am nodding my head - I am remembering a photo of me with a perm, denim jumper, big white earrings AND big glasses. Yikes!

      Except now the glasses are almost hipster!

  2. I have never really been into Halloween movies. The kids LOVE them! I took them to see Annabelle recently. I thought I would die.

    I love your write up! You always make me smile. Every day.

  3. I've only seen four on the list. Well, really 3 1/2 because I walked out of the theater after the monster *birthing* scene in Alien....scared me to death!

    Praying for all y'all and especially for Emma ~

  4. I have seen exactly zero of these movies because I hate scary movies!!! But, I loved your story and the title alone -- for chickens! -- made me think it would be suitable for me. You'll have to do a Christmas movie list full of warm fuzzies to offset the Halloween list! :)

    1. To Kill a Mockingbird and Jane Eyre would not be too scary. You should watch those. They are so good in every way.

  5. I love your posts on PW.

    I need to see Jane Eyre. Must work on this. Netflix is finally in Germany, now we just need to sign up!

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Since childhood, Halloween has been my least favorite holiday and I just don't do even remotely scary movies. I did like your article and will go back over and comment. I wore a lot of denim jumpers. They may not be stylish, but boy were they ever comfortable.
    love and prayers, jep

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Halloween was always one of my favorite times when my kids were little. I found SO many ways to scare them! It's probably why, at almost 35, Julie still screams if you walk into a room and startle her. I always stock up on blood capsules too, but that's another story. :) The one I remember best was Karyn's soph or junior year in high school. She wanted friends over to watch the movie Scream. I said fine. Went to the Jewel to get some snacks for the kids. And lo, and behold, There was a Scream mask!! So, I bought it. Got the kids all settled in the family room, lights out, watching scream. I snuck out through the side door, was crouched down and walking to the big windows when I heard someone say "what's that?" I thought, Darn! Busted! So, I stood up. I have NEVER seen a room clear out faster. All these big boy/men, all in sports, running to the front door! Karyn's boyfriend at the time even JUMPED over here. It was hilarious and still makes me laugh like crazy!
    Kris Schwarz


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