Tuesday, May 05, 2015


Always a conundrum....what to do with your hands...

conundrum #2
white in photos...
glow glow glow

i expose for faces...not for white shirts...
wedding photographers must have this figured out...
i do not.

She loved her outfit and it fit the church rules....
so that was must important :o)

Encourage one another,


  1. Exposure looks pretty good to me, still some details in the highlights. You should be able to pull them back if you want, especially if you shoot RAW.

  2. Beautiful Donna! Your daughters have a serenity about them

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So cute! That color blue which I think of as Wedgwood Blue is very popular right now. I even bought a blouse that color recently. And, when I say Wedgwood Blue I mean the old blue color of Wedgwood...that lovely light blue that is robin's egg blue, but not exactly. ;-)
    love and prayers, jep

  4. Katie's hands and facial expression in the first picture are so funny! Very cute outfit for a very cute girl. Love it with the Converse.

  5. Katie looks great in blue and white. Great photos, Donna. Wow, your grass is green!


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