Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank you for the feedback concerning the calendar.

I will definitely create one and post the linky-poo here for anyone interested.

The slight hand up is the December picture and well....all the techie stuff I need to learn.

But it's good for me. Both things.

Be creative.


Keeping my gray matter young.

For sure.

Katie and I went down to Paoli to look at all the Christmas pretties at my favorite gift shop.

Katie came along in the hopes of getting some cheese curds.

Here is why I love this store;

dream sink
I go to visit this sink.

I accidently focused on the blue sled-like thing.

But you get the drift.

That sink. I have been loving for about five years.


Warm and festive and sparkly.

what color!

I actually bought something.

I am a terrible shopper. I never buy stuff.

My ornaments are quite old and dusty.

Now I have one of these beauties.

december 2


Actually. I bought two ornaments, a candle and thank you notes.

Shopping Spree.

Last night while we were watching The Amazing Race my husband asked me if I had just taken my shoes off????

"No. ........ I think it's the candle."


And speaking of The Amazing Race. The Asian gentleman is driving me nuts.
He just may be the King of the Blameshift.

His poor daughter.

They (he) can not be gone soon enough.


And then we watched our Packers kick Viking patootie!
The Pack has found a running game!


Go! Pack! Go!


And then Katie donned the St. Somebody hat she made in art class.
(Kris, come and tell us about this hat in the comments please. Kris is the art teacher :o)

St. Lucia?

I happen to adore this hat.

St. Silly

You know you want one too, now, don't you???

Encourage one another,

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