Friday, September 06, 2013

Wish you were here. Omaha Instagrams.

If you follow me on Instagram you will have already seen many of these images.   But I know many of you do not so I want to share the happy baby pictures.

I mean.  Come on.  Is this a happy baby or what?




The Boucher Boys

The Boucher Boys.

Matthew and Melinda

After we dropped Patrick off at the airport we took a quick visit to the Art Museum.  It's free.  Weeeee.
They had an Impressionism exhibit and many other beautiful pieces (including many stunning pieces of American Indian pieces).


Morning baby

Top bunk fun.

Top bunk fun.

Happy Malachi

"I'm all shook up."

Melinda told me that Asher would really scream when he cried.  I actually couldn't imagine it.
Until he decided he was hungry one day.  And the scream he screamed was scary.  Whoa boy!

Fortunately he is happy, happy, happy 99% of the time.

Simple treasures.
Simple pleasures.

I'm so thankful for our sweet family.

Wishing you sweet times and the eyes to see them.

Encourage one another,


  1. OMGeeee! is right. We have a happy baby, too. You can't help but be happy right back with those smiles coming at you nonstop. Lovely family.

  2. MS, is that a classic Pooh print hoppy pillow? My Ezra was a classic print pooh baby. Sigh.

    1. i love classic pooh. a sweet nurse at work makes these "baby support pillows" (can't call them boppy's, ya know) it is wonderful! i chose the fabric. this pillow is far better than my boppy boppy. asher calls it a "c" pillow, because it looks like a c. so cute. the end.

  3. I can't get enough of these pictures, Donna. Such beautiful boys! And adults!

    So glad you were able to be together. It's the best when we're all together, isn't it?


  4. :: DITTO ::

    love love love these pics

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    When I first saw the picture of Katie holding Malachi my first thought was #thunderthighs. He is such an adorable baby!

    Happy Friday!
    Sarah P. from Iowa

  6. So glad you did post for us non-users. Haven't got the hang of that yet !! The pics are so wonderful. Thanks again for bringing a huge smile to my face. Hubs is on his way home with a bad kidney stone. Your pics have lifted my spirit.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Oh, Cece, so sorry to hear about your husband! Prayers for quick healing for him.

      Mary Z

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    PRECIOUS! PRECIOUS! PRECIOUS!!!! I too, am a non-user so I appreciate the pics too!!

    sis' cindy :)

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    All adorable, but especially love Malachi's face in the one where Matthew is holding him and there's a remote in the background. Oh, how I wish I knew what he was thinking!!! :)

    Mary Z

  9. Thank you for sharing the pics of your beautiful family. I am not on instagram. :) Your grandbabies are just so precious!

  10. Adorable with a capital "A"!!

  11. What a beautiful family God has given you.

  12. Those pictures are wonderful, Donna ! And baby Malachi looks like a lot to Asher ! They are so cute ! You're so right : simple treasures, simple treasures. The only true ones.

  13. malachi screams. not asher. :) if asher was still screaming when he was hungry, i'd be in trouble.

  14. So sweet! Can you share your instagram name? I've been following your blog for years and would love to see your instagram posts! :)

  15. Goodness, those boys are so gorgeous! What a beautiful family!! :) I know the time spent with them is always a treasure.

  16. You have such a beautiful family. I know how much you would love to have them closer. Isn't technology so wonderful now though with Facetime and Skype and all of the ways we can all stay connected? Enjoy those grandbabies! They're adorable!


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