Do yo have opinions on last nights Dancing with the Stars?
The opinions that are coming to my head today are all pretty negative,
so I will keep them to myself. I think I must just be cranky.
You know how all that gorgeous sunshine can do that do you.
But, was it just me, or did Eddeta's dress look like a sheet? You know
just getting out of bed and wrapping yourself in a sheet, kind of sheet?
We had school outside, a lemonade stand, and swimsuits and even hauled out the sprinkler.

This photo has not been photoshopped.

This one has :o)
We need a patio.
I don't mind the grass underfoot...but moving ALL this furniture every time someone other than me mows the lawn,
well, that's a pain in the buttsky. I suppose it's not really THAT big of a deal. But we need some shade out there.
I would love a pergola covered with flowering vines.
That's the dream. The dream for the backyard.
I really want Extreme Home Makeover to come to our backyard and make it the place I wish it could be.
Any chance of that???
Naw. Didn't think so.
We borrowed the first season of 30 Rock from the local video store.
This is one funny and smart show.
My favorite sitcoms have extremely well defined and nutty characters.
And 30 Rock is one of those! It is really, really good!
Okay... hunger strikes....time for breakfast!
What did you have for breakfast today?
What is your favorite sitcom of all time?
Encourage one another,
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