Katie is going to "Take your child to work day" with her daddy today.
I have been up for a bit and little miss just woke up and came downstairs.
As I gave her a morning hug and kiss I said,
"I hope you have fun today and meet a lot of children."
She quickly replied, " And get their addresses. And phone numbers. And names."
Dear God,
Please bring Katie a friend in the neighborhood.
I've got to write quickly this morning. I have a job to do.
I must deliver a dressed and fed child to my husbands place of work.
She is playing on webkins website and she is already dressed as I type this....so I have about ten minutes to finish up before
I try to force a morsel of food into her lazy tummy.
She will be gone all day, and I will miss her and she will come home and say it was the best day of her life.
That's what she tells me after she has been gone all day.
It's real encouraging.
What a big shocker on American Idol!
I think Carly was the happiest I have ever seen her. Was she just tired of the whole thang?
Sigh-esh-a really wanted to stay, didn't she.
Well. Nights like last night show that American Idol is not about finding the best voice,
it is about finding a Pop Star. And I think Pop is short for popular.
I am not really emotionally invested in anyone. Are you?
I loved what David Cook said about being original and unpredictable last night.
He is cool. Have you noticed the size of his noggin yet.
I think I am going to ask every week until someone agrees with me.
You have been warned.
Tonight the shows come back.
Grey's Anatomy and Lost are both on tonight. As is Survivor.
Thursday night is back, bay-bee!
I hope Grey's has upped their game. They were getting a bit dull.
From the commercial, Lost looks wild!
And 30 Rock is on too.
Oh dear. Must program Tivo.
Last night, my husband said, "You sure got a lot of comments!"
"Yeah. We are having fun in the comments."
He adds," Ten of them are from Lynn."
Keep it up Lynn, I think you are impressing the big lug.

Something besides the dandelions is popping up!
Happy Thursday!!!
Encourage one another,

Things are going great!
How cute is Katie's little outfit?
Her daddy picked it out for her.
P.S. I've got dump cake. Any takers?
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