isn't that nice? A picture of something other than Katie :o)
Something that is green no less.
And something that is blowing.
I like it very much and it has now taken root on my desktop.
You may remember my goal in life (well one of them) is to photograph the wind. And since I have been stuck in the house
for the last six months, I haven't practiced wind photos much....
This one was just waiting for me, up there on the hill at Leonie and Sophia's house.
Along with these daring children.

Leonie almost flipped over. It scared me.

They were so happy to be outside, together.

Little sister, Sophia, happy as can be.

I know you don't need to see this picture....but it's in focus and I am really happy about that....and I like how colorful it is :o)

Same day. Our yard. We still have snow.

Big brother, Jonah. I have wanted to take a picture of him and his stunning eyes and fabulous hair....
Yesterday I got that chance. In a garage of course.
It was a good day all around.
We Wisconsinites love spring.
Weekend Warrior
I will tackle this project this weekend and I will show you the results on Monday.
It's bad, isn't it?
I think I will haul the Annals of America to the basement and then I will have more space.
I love to get rid of stuff.

Amy @ Good Soil is leading the way.....and if you want to participate, head on over to her blog and sign up.
Weekend Warriors @ Amy's blog
The weatherman says it will be 63 degrees today!!!
Katie will ask seven times when the pool opens.
I think I will spend a lot of time outside today....and clean later.
Encourage one another,
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