so I went to see WHO she was by following a link on her page.
Turns out she is a young conservative woman with ideas and opinions to boot.
Someone with opinions. I like that :o) Especially when they are like mine. he he
Here is a funny piece she wrote on "Earth Hour." She missed it. Did you?
Darn, I missed Earth Hour
Susan also had a little fill in the blank meme on her blog and I am borrowing it.
I hope she doesn't mind.
Fill in:
1. Some relationships are meant to _________.
2. ____________ is the last concert I saw; it was awesome.
3. Spring should be ____________!
4. Oh no! I forgot to ____________!
5. I've recently started _______________.
6. _________ never fails to make me smile.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to ________, tomorrow my plans include__________ and Sunday, I want to __________!
Thank you, Susan, for the meme!
Please play along if you'd like in the comments, just like the Friday Feast.
I'll be home all day and we will leave for Chicago around dinner time.
(Some are going, some are staying. I'll tell you when I get home, who stayed to hold down the fort.)
I am not as nervous as I was the first time I set off to meet Audrey.
And this time, I will have a little buddy with me; Courtney.
(Her link is on my sidebar!)
We met here at the blog or on Flickr right around the time I first missed the workshop and we have become
friends. And you know, to me, friendship is the best thing in the world.
So, I have a happy meeting to look forward to and a friendly face to peep at during the workshop!
Can't wait!
I'll take some pictures of her and her family for you!
And I now have my wide angle lens so I can take a wide shot of the Windy City!!! Woot!
Here are a few shots of Katie to show where I am today....on the day before the workshop.

Off to learn!
Encourage one another!
These pictures of my darling sister Cindy make my heart so happy!

She loves that crazy Weinermobile!!!!

You look fabulous, Cindy!!!

"Everyone would be in love with me!"
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