I was tagged officer, really I was....
I usually make up my own rules as far as tagging goes. I do the good parts and leave off the rest.
Hope you don't mind.
What was I doing 10 years ago:
Surviving. 1998 was the worst year of my life.
Five Snacks I enjoy:
1. popcorn with loads of butter
2. chex mix
3. puppy chow
4. M & M's
5. Diet Dr. Pepper
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Travel the world.
Give the money away to the needy.
Go to a spa for a long time.
Fix the backyard ;o)
Five jobs that I have had:
Debyles Clothing Store Minocqua, Wisconsin
Hawthorne School for the Hearing Impaired
Aerobics and Dance teacher at YMCA
Staff writer for the Pioneer Woman
Three of my habits:
Writing my blog in the morning.
Having a Diet Dr. Pepper first thing.
Watching Regis and Kelly
Five places I have lived:
Elmhurst, Illinois
Wheaton, Illinois
Lake Forest, Illinois
Columbia, Missouri
Marinette, Wisconsin
Tagged by Rachel
Take your child to work day.

Since you asked....
Katie had a wonderful time.
She met many children, but didn't come home with any phone numbers.
She toured the building, built a little structure, checked out the computers, learned about education and self-motivation
(Hi Benn), learned about voting, men and women in the workforce, and being eco-friendly.
She says she would like to be an animal photographer.
I had a little talk with her and shared with her my ideas about being eco-friendly.
I told her that indeed God wants us to be good stewards of all that HE has given us.
Being a believer doesn't mean we don't take care of what we are blessed with...
it is even more important because we are taking care of it for God.
Kind of like, we are working for Him.
So we take care of our surroundings, and the animals and our bodies.
It's good to be a good steward.
But the bit about lightbulbs. I told her that's just a big old lie.

This was Wednesday.
Today it is 36 degrees out and the wind howled like crazy all night.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
Encourage one another,
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