Friday, July 18, 2014

Bono talks about Jesus

I couldn't like this chat more.

There is something special about people talking in this way about what they believe is true.



  1. Thank you for posting this! I don't think I would have seen it anywhere else. I have always liked Bono and U2's music and listened for his lyrics to speak of his relationship with the Lord. My oldest son is a huge fan of U2 and has seen several concerts. He is also struggling with his faith. I can't wait to show this clip to him. I enjoy your encouraging words and stories so very much.

  2. I couldn't love Bono more. Thanks for sharing this, it's lovely!

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    How very exciting to see a popular culture figure expressing his Christian belief.
    Thank you for sharing!
    love and prayers, jep

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Love this! Thank you for posting it! We had a friend who played music with Lucas at church and had been to several U2 concerts which he described as "inspired".

    Sandy C.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    LOVE. I love Bono, I love Jesus, I loved seeing and hearing this. xoxo

    Mary Z

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I love hearing Bono speak like this. Good for him!

    I was blessed to hear U2 in Zurich a few years ago. We had amazing seats, thanks to a friend of my daughter who was on staff for Live Nation (organizers of U2's World Tour) - I tell you, when they sang a few verses of Amazing Grace I had goose-bumps and felt the Lord's presence right there in that huge stadium. Along with other lyrics of songs that had such a message of redemption. Talk about a memorable evening.

    The next night there was a 2nd concert, same venue - and it poured rain. A friend was there and told me about it. In between acts, Bono would do a soft shoe and start singing bits and pieces of Singing in the Rain!

    Susan in Munich

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Well, this is the second time the Lord has blessed me today. The first time was when I was driving in the car this morning and listening to Phillips, Craig, and Dean sing Your Grace Still Amazes Me and the second time was right now when I watched the Bono video you posted. Hallelujah. God is so good and I am so grateful for people who speak out for him.

    Debbie Z.

  8. {{{LIKE}}}

    I love Phillips Craig and Dean - their song "Great I am" is fabulous

  9. I like him even more now. ;)

  10. Cyndi K G12:44 PM

    Thank you for sharing this, Donna. Who was the interviewer?

  11. I always want to click the *like* button when I'm here! ;-) Actually, I don't just like this, I *love* it. I love to see those who have a public platform be able to boldly speak of their faith in Jesus Christ!

    Tammy ~@~

  12. Thank you for sharing this! I've always wondered where Bono stood in terms of faith because of U2's lyrics.


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