Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Firefly July

Firefly July

When I was ten, one summer night,
The baby stars that leapt
Among the trees like dimes of light,
I cupped and capped, and kept.

J. Patrick Lewis

image. grave of the fireflies.

Thank you Jep.

Encourage one another,


  1. Thank you, too, jep. The fireflies (or lightning bugs as we call them here) are abundant this summer. I'm so glad to see them light up the summer nights.

  2. My daughters and I have really gotten into watching the Pioneer Woman. I remember when you visited her ranch. When were you there? I am trying to find the pictures in your blog.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Fireflies were such a fun part of my growing up days of summer, that I could not resist this poem. However, as I told Donna I learned to let them go at night, because in the morning they just looked like bugs. Yikes!! ;-) love and prayers, jep

  4. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I have always lived in the west and have never seen a firefly. On my bucket list!

    Debbie Z.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Southern Gal, we call them lightening bugs too. I love them. When my sisters and I were little we would pinch off the lit part and put them on ourselves as jewelry.
    You can't help but think God is great when you see fireflies. : ) Just a little magical touch on a summer night.
    Sarah P. from Iowa

    1. We made jewelry too. That's kinda mean. And, true confession, I would pull legs off of daddy long legs to watch em wiggle.
      I call them lightning bugs.

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Love this post -- and the timing of it! Today is my dear mom's 82nd birthday and I have fond memories of summer nights when we were little and would catch the lightening bugs and run to show them to my mom sitting on the porch (on an old-fashioned glider). She would oooh and ahhh over them appropriately. :)

    Mary Z

  7. heard on the news (local) that buggy sprays and lawn treatments vary from yard to yard and so does the firefly population…...

  8. Growing up in Alaska we didn't have fireflies, so when we would visit the East or South it was thrilling to see them - live and in person! Not the fake ones at Disneyland :-)


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