Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Diving Miss Daisy. Sister Edition.

Our house in Elmhurst. 187 Jackson. We moved away in 1967.

On Saturday I picked my sister Janet up from O'hare. She flew into the city for our Uncle Mel's funeral.  Janet has been living in Arizona since college so she hasn't really had a chance to see the places she lived when she was little.

Above is our house in Elmhurst.  Janice and Janet only lived in this house for a year and a half.
We had nine Glymans living in this little ranch.

We drove to downtown Elmhurst, which I was not very familiar with.  I was too young to go to movies and shop around town.  Jim and Nancy have more memories of town than I do.

#york #elmhurst



Sunday morning I drove Cindy and Janet out to Wheaton.

Everything looked so pretty.

We went thru town and tried to find a place to eat breakfast.
When we couldn't really find a spot in Wheaton we headed to the Seven Dwarfs on Roosevelt Rd in Glen Ellyn.
After basketball games the cheerleaders would head to Seven Dwarfs for ice cream.
I haven't been there since.

It was a perfect place to get eggs and hash browns.

Seven dwarves for breakfast

Why don't I wear my sunglasses?   I want to be cool like Cindy and Janet.

Fabulous old sign #seven dwarves

Fabulous signage!!!

I was so glad to be able to bum around with Cindy and Janet in our old neighborhoods.

Janet and I didn't have ANY fun last weekend. #snapchatforkatie

I kept in touch with Katie by way of Snapchat.  She screenshot this picture of me and Janet.
Thanks Katie.  Janet.  Busted.

Happy Wednesday!

Encourage one another,


  1. You're such a fun mom - we don't allow our 15-year-old to even have snapchat, and you're willing to dive in. Love it.

  2. Snapchat was my Christmas present to Emma. She wanted me to have it. So I have Emma, Katie and Janet on mine. Katie has five approved people. Three being family :o) I fun but controlling.

    1. atta girl. :) And I can't stop looking at that diner sign. So. Awesome.

  3. A great reason for snapchat...cute pic!

    So glad you all could be together for your uncle's service. And memory lane trips are some of my favorite. I just searched for my childhood home on google earth. That was fun!

    Happy Wednesday all,

  4. Hehehe. We had so much fun! Thank you for driving me all over town! You're next post needs to be about our love affair with Siri. :).

  5. Looks like you all had a fun time reminiscing. The new word added to the dictionary in 2014 was wackadoodle. Ree reminded me of that with her last Smartypants quiz. So Janet could be wackadoodle - a fun person. ;)

  6. Claire12:25 PM

    I would love to go back and see our houses again! I heard they tore down the high school.

    1. Hi Claire, Gosh I was thinking about you. I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of your house for you. It looks very pretty. I pointed out your house and the Aeschilmans' house.
      Yes. The high school is gone and there is a grocery store there. The Jewel is gone too.There is a bridge over the little creek by Kelly park so you don't have to walk all the way around to get to Edison. I cut my toe in that creek one day. I bet you were with me. I remember the big debate about weather or not to wear nylons to 7th grade. Gosh. I would love to see you one day, Claire! Hope you are well.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    How funny strange is it that I can still remember the layout of the house on Jackson? I can remember where the basement stairs were, where the garage door into the kitchen was...Actually, in thinking about it, that house did have a good lay-out, which is why it is still standing! And I remember a lot about the house in Wheaton. Not as much. But, I remember your dad's study and the kitchen (again!) and the family room leading to the backyard. So strange. I can't remember what cabinet something is in in this house, where I have lived for 20 years..but I can remember the old houses. When I dream of being at a house, it is ALWAYS the house I grew up in. I might be the age I am now, but the house is always 883 Prospect
    Kris Schwarz

    1. Kris, I mentioned to the woman at the hosue (she came out because we were loitering..and she is kind of odd) that our father's made the basement. She said there was a huge flood in 1987 and the whole thing had to be redone. I always remember your great basement! Red and White. And I remember the haunted house we had down there. I told the girls about the block parties. And we showed Janet how close Jackson school was and were the dog bit me. Remember the Ripkey's backyard neighbors? They had little schnauzers. Those doggies would poop all over the basement and they wouldn't pick it up. Freaked me out!!!

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Yes, my dad lost that basement in 1987 too. All the red and white gone, and the plaster "bricks" he made by hand. I bet it was the Sharp's (?) dog that bit you. Right across the street from Jackson on the corner? And I think you are getting the two houses confused. Ripkey's backyard neighbors were the Carters, and they had little barking dogs. But, the next door neighbors had Gogi and he would poop all over the basement. I babysat there, I remember the newspapers spread all over the floor! I would love to go through the houses and see if my memories are right or all messed up!
      Kris Schwarz time tell me when you are in town..I am only a mile away from the old houses. Straight up Madison!

    3. Yes. The dog on the corner bit me. Next time, I promise.

  8. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Laughing about Siri being your boo.... :)

    I've been to York Theater. Downtown Elmhurst is a cool area. Looks like you and your sissies had fun touring your old haunts. So nice to be able to be together -- even if it was a sad occasion that prompted the visit.

    Mary Z

    1. I talk nice to Siri and am grateful when she gets me where I want to go :o)
      Janet thought it was hilarious!

      "Hi Siri, this is Donna, could you please find the Hilton Terrace Garden hotel. Thanks bunches. XOXO Mrs. Magoo."

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I love this post and the comments.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  10. Cyndi K G4:39 PM

    I loved the Seven Dwarfs! I used to go with my grandfather when he came to visit; I would always have a small hot fudge sundae! Yum! When we went with my dad, he would joke about the mural of Snow White and the dwarves being "The Last Supper". And he would always have apple pie with some kind of cheese melted on top of it.

  11. Me: Siri....I hate you. Shut up!!!

  12. Janet: John is you. I am Donna. I named my GPS Tillie and she is my friend. Even if she couldn't find Mitchell's Ice Cream in San Francisco when it was Right Down The Street! I forgive things like that. If I had been desperate for a bathroom or coffee (related needs) I would have a harder time being sweet. But I love Tillie.

    John, on the other hand, was trying to read a MAP while driving the streets of San Francisco... because Tillie doesn't know anything. Yikes.

    Love your stories. Love the memories.


    1. Di, yes, you and Donna are the same.

  13. I think Janet mistakes speaking slowly, clearly and kindly as LOVE. Heh To tell the truth when I yelled at her she couldn't understand me. Siri is sensitive.

  14. Anonymous9:30 PM

    You're not talking about York High School that they tore down/ ??? You must mean another H.S. I loved the York Theater............lots of great times there. So cool you could go back home. Sure looks different now doesn't it??? Karen F.

    1. Hi Karen. We are talking about Wheaton Central High School.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Such sweet memories here and you gals are lovely...and what fun to laugh and remember together! Now I want to go to the Seven Dwarfs Restaurant. love and prayers, jep

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I'm missing out on so much by not hanging out in this comment section enough any more! Hilarious and so lovely. When we first got a NUVI GPS for our car, I drove to St. Louis with Lucas and we picked up a college friend of his at the airport. She was genuinely disturbed when I personified the GPS, calling it "him" and speaking about it as a person. (We had the voice set to an English butler voice and we thought it was hilarious.) She was a very thoughtful girl and thought we were crossing some boundary to treat machines like humans. I think of her every time I talk back to that GPS to this day! :)

    Sandy C.

  17. i was out of the country this time, Donna, but the next time you are in the neighborhood (my literal neighborhood!), you have to come over and say hello. I'd love to have you in for iced tea and cookies!


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