Have you heard of the book "Not Quite what I was Planning"? People sum up their lives in 6 words...this may be a fun topic for your blog...I would love to see the responses."
I hadn't heard of this, but just a quick google led me to the book's homepage and place of conception.
The idea for this project which became a book is this legend;
"Six-Word Memoirs: The Legend
Legend has it that Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
A few examples I liked from the website:
Sixties hippie chick finally grows up.
~Susan Schneider
Shook family tree:nuts fell out.
~Chris Baker
Like Charlie Brown, not as popular.
~Paul J
Now it is your turn.
Sum up your lives in 6 words.
I can't wait to see your responses!!!
(My mind swirls with the possibilities. Which direction should I go in?
Should I be current? Or broad? Spiritual? Artistic? Silly? Motherly?
What a fun challenge!)

It really stuns me how comfortable Katie is in front of the camera.
Totally natural.
I love this shot.
American Idol: Girls Night.
I thought some of the girls sang beautifully!!!
Some of them were boring, like Simon said.
And you know, the thing is....two girls and two boys are being sent home....
You have got to get noticed right away.
I don't think a ballad is going to do that.
Do you think they are told...but just don't listen?
A great singer is going to go home tonight because of poor song choice....
mark my words.
What did you think?
Looking forward to reading your comments!!!
Encourage one another and write-on!
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