Once upon a time
It was September.
And Katie had a pimple on her chin
and a big, red mosquito bite
on her forehead.
Then one day, in the deep midwinter
her mommy learned to remove
the pimple and the bite mark.
And she smiled.

Once upon a time
these boots were bought.
They did not know
what their life would hold.
Then one day
In the deep midwinter of 2008
they saw a record reached.
Madison's new winter snowfall record expected to be reached today.
And they smiled.
Once upon a time.
Sung by the one and only Frank Sinatra.
This voice is to me the most beautiful male voice ever.
My parents loved him and we listened to his records over and over.
Who did your parents listen to on the stero?
Encourage one another,
(The Madison area is only one-half inch short of the seasonalsnowfall mark of 76.1 inches set during the winter of 1978 and 1979.)
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