Friday, September 26, 2008


I have been seeing these fuzzy grasses around town this year.
They are so pretty! And so touchable.

I bet you couldn't walk by one of these and not give it a smooth stroke.
Like petting a cats tail.

But the pinkness is a surprise, isn't it?


I'm sorry this post is so late.

Another day where I have been on the go since I woke up.

Real life is giving my lazy bones a real kick in the seat.

I know the things I am doing are good things.

it's just taking me a little while to adjust to all of these good things.

For the last year I have been without a car most days. So I ventured out of the house but once a day to run to the grocery store or the library.

I feel a bit like a baby who has been pushed into the bright, unusual world.

I loved my cozy, quiet, simple days.

Perhaps I coveted them more than I realized.

Perhaps I am much lazier than I ever want to admit.

I will find the balance and energy soon.

Who knew having all the children out of the house would be so tough?

I listen to this song over and helps me drive the speed limit.

It's called One Fine Wire.

Love you!

Encourage one another,

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