Friday, November 04, 2011


Oh my should have heard the conversation this morning.
I tried to explain day light savings to Katie.
It did not go well.


(The top picture is how Katie wants to smile...all the time....she is a pretty smiley girl.)


Television recommendations.

I have been watching two new drama's on television this fall.
The first is called Person of Interest. This is a crime drama of sorts. I like the actors and that is why I gave this one a chance.
Jim Caviezel (Jesus) and Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost). I have really enjoyed this show.

The other is on Friday nights and is called The Gifted Man. I was intrigued by this one because our girl
Jennifer Ehle is on the show. Jennifer is Lizzy from the BBC Pride and Prejudice. She plays a ghost who
visits her ex husband and gets him to look after her free clinic. He is a surgeon and has "better" things to do.
The male star is a Broadway star called Patrick Wilson.
This is a medical drama.

gifted man

I like both shows and hope they make it.

Oh....and guess what?

I caved.

I was boycotting ABC at noon because they took All My Children off to put on a stupid show called The Chew.

I watched it.

And I liked it.

In the words of Chauncey Gardner, "I like to watch."

Thank you for your care and prayers for my friend and her husband!

Lots of love,

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