Monday, March 10, 2014

dreaming dirt

Under the pavement the dirt is dreaming of grass.
~Wendell Berry


Under the snow the grass is dreaming of the sun.
~Donna Elsie

Life as she knows it.

This time of day....

Summer in Wisconsin

We are off to a good start, sleepy but good.

Encourage one another,


  1. With daylight savings time you are an hour closer to my time! I love it.

    Ginny and the green grass is a sight for sore eyes :-)

    We move the clocks forward on the 30th.

    Seriously, daylight savings needs to end, truly. Why?????

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Thank you for the beautiful green pictures. : ) We are a little sleepy today, too because of a fun weekend. It's supposed to reach 65 degrees today. Can't complain.

    Happy Monday to all,
    Sarah P. from Iowa

  3. The Donna Elsie quote will be on my mind today as baby and I get some fresh air and cheer for the grass and the sun.

  4. Wendell Berry and Donna Elsie? It's gonna be a good day!

    This reminds me of one of my most favorite songs. It's in old-fashioned language and sung to a J.S. Bach tune:

    Awake thou wintry earth,
    Fling off, fling off thy sadness,
    Fair vernal flowers laugh forth,
    Laugh forth your ancient gladness.

  5. Morning Dear Donna BOo.
    Warm today! kitties will go on the porch for a bit!
    Hooray sunshine

  6. The rain is POURING and pounding on my roof. I woke to the sound and my first thought was, "Thank You, Lord." That is a perfect start to my day.

    I am so sleepy, though. Agree with Susan re: the time change. Prayers for you, Swiss Miss as you pack today. When is actual moving to Munich day?


    1. I am thrilled about your rain!

      Thanks for the prayers :-)

      We leave Zurich on Saturday a.m. - will be at a hotel this week. Cook 's week off!

  7. I love the photos today! As I watch the snow falling out my window, I am happy to know that it will soon give way to a beautiful spring!!

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Awwww Donna I miss you!

  9. Ohhhhhh, green! *LOVE* it and miss it so so so so much!

    Flew much farther south for a long weekend. Although we were indoors for almost all of it, we did have a couple hours on Saturday afternoon to sit out in the sunshine at a park. I absolutely cannot put into words how amazing that felt. It really rejuvenated me :-) 'Course I'm writing this back home again as I look outside my bedroom window at three feet of snow on the ground and temps in the 20's.

    Soon. Soon spring will spring!

    Tammy ~@~

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    It's coming! It's coming! There has never been a year when spring didn't get here.
    -by Mary Z :)

  11. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I graduated from on may 22 and there were snowflakes falling as we left the service. In 97 the biggest snowstorm of the season was may 1

  12. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "Beneath the ermine robes of snow beats the heart of spring...for there are sleeping seeds dreaming below the drifts...filled with life...waiting for the warm winds and the strong sun....For after winter, spring shall come and the mysterious force that touches the seed, the leaf, the opening petals, touches our hearts, as well." - Dean Walley

    Debbie Z.

  13. Thank you for sharing those utterly beautiful words!

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Beautiful (no matter the season) Wisconsin through the eyes of a pro. Thank You!
    Why can't we just pick a time and stick with it, changing gets my inner clock out of whack!
    Lovely quotes by all here. This is such a happy place. love and prayers, jep

  15. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Oh I do Love your photography and I wish you were still giving us lessons or demos or something. that first snow covered haze picture is to die for - do you remember what sort of settings you selected?? all the shots are Fabulous!

  16. Sandy, I'm pretty all of there are phone pictures. Thank you. My best tip is to take pictures when you see beautiful light.

  17. I do love that first photo too, it's dreamy. I love the long line to infinity, the gorgeous light, and the fogginess.


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