Thursday, March 27, 2014

TBT. Gin Gin


Gosh. They are little for so short a time.  It's hard to remember her like this.

She is a nice girl.
She was rather good with the boys (Asher and Malachi).
They each had their times of being wary of her...but that is good and to be expected. She is big and can be in your face.

Emma and I can not get over this picture.
Could not be closer.

Oh Gin.

Encourage one another,


  1. Good thing she is a good girl. Because with that face I would let her get away with anything short of murder.

  2. Hilarious Ginny with Emma. I love how Emma looks like she is trying to ignore Ginny. She's a hard girl to ignore (-:

    Am I the only one that can hears Ginny's voice in this picture? It's a female Scooby Do voice (-:

    Happy Thursday, all,

  3. That sounds about right!

    Here is what honestly fascinates me.
    Dogs don't understand past, present and future tenses.
    Think about it.

    1. Its all about now.

      And they can be such wonderful demonstrations of unconditional love.

    2. I've never thought about it that way. Verrrry interesting!

  4. Yes! I am hearing a girl version of Dug in the movie "Up" ...

    "You are my master and I LOVE you! "

    (Or as Dug says it: "I LAAFF you!!!")

    Ginny is such a doodle, I am crazy about her :-) Isn't it amazing how much joy a doggy brings to a family?

  5. Donna,
    When I really understood about dogs living in the present, it was a moment I have never forgotten. It is something I try to embrace because it is the truth for all of us--all we have is today.

    When my dog Aztec got cancer, I just couldn't conceive of him not here, and I cried all the time. My husband is the one who told me that dogs only live in the present, and that Aztec could sense I was sad but he wasn't suffering thinking of what was to come like I was. After that, I just loved him every day until it was the day to let him go. Animals are great teachers.


    1. That is beautiful, Alison.
      I talk to Ginny all the time. "Wasn't it fun at the dog park?" This back fires on me...because you know she park. now.

      I just want to talk with her and reminisce. haha. No reminiscing with dogs. Yes. I am learning from her.

  6. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Well, um...I never thought of that! It is all about the present moment for them. A light bulb just turned on in my head. Goodness sakes....why did I never think of that? Honestly, this really relieves my mind because I have been worried about our Hawkeye even though she is doing fantastic.
    Labs grow so fast, don't they? The picture of Emma and Ginny is hilarious.

    Pass the lint roller please,
    Sarah P. from Iowa : )

  7. oh Gin Gin, what a good girl. Chicago dog park. Soon.

  8. Wow ... it has been a light bulb moment for me, as well! Our rescue (Sadie Anne Zoe) is the light of our lives. We talk to her like she were totally aware of what we are saying and meaning and it dawns on me now that she DOES understand ... and it is in the present, not the future ... as in "we'll for a ride soon" ... she hears "ride" and is at the car door! A quote I once read said that if there are no dogs in heaven I don't want to go ......

  9. A beautiful companion, a beautiful daughter. Many blessings.

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Ginny Potter is quite the cutie! It's amazing how much both Ginny and Katie have grown since that first picture. And the pic with Emma -- hahaha. Too funny!

    My brother's family just got two black lab puppies last weekend -- Finn and Fiona. Two puppies, four little kids and lots of chaos. But the kids are so happy and the puppies are very cute, so hopefully it all works out well.

    Mary Z

  11. I, too, like the thought of dogs and living in the now. Thanks!

  12. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Such eye catching photographs that my husband even stopped and looked over my shoulder to ask about Ginny. Who is the dog, he said. And, of course I said, Ginny Potter Boucher. He knew then who she was. ;-) love and prayers, jep

  13. That's what we call my sister. Gin Gin. Short for Virginia.

    Love your Ginny!


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