Wednesday, March 26, 2014

still here

still here

been scared and battered.
My hopes the wind done scattered.
Snow has friz me,
Sun has baked me,

Looks like between 'em they done
Tried to make me

Stop laughin', stop lovin', stop livin'--
But I don't care!
I'm still here! 

~langston hughes

I'm still here to love and remember and treasure and sing and feel and praise and dance.
Still here to be THANKFUL and to throw my head back and laugh.

Encourage one another,


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    So glad you're still here! You are loved, loving and lovable, Donna.

    Mary Z

  2. Oh to laugh like that!! It is truly a gift.
    Love you.

  3. I'm thankful you are here. Youdda best, Donna xxx

  4. Yes! So glad you are still here! So Glad.

    And laughing Julia? Perfect!

    Happy Wednesday friends,

  5. And I'm happy you are. You bring a smile to me daily. Always be here.

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I can't begin to put into words how grateful I am to visit this site. (I'm having a rough health patch, and am so scared and worried. And I will leave it at that.)

    Never underestimate the comfort a blog can bring a stranger. Much love to you. xo

    1. Dear One,
      Hold on. Take care. Thank you for the lovely comment and for being here.

    2. Dear Anon, I'm going to pray for you. God knows.

      Love, Janet. <3

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Dear Father, please give Anon peace today as she moves through this hard time in her life. I pray that she would feel your presence, and know that you care about what she is going through and love her. Amen.

      Debbie Z.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Praying for you Anon and for everyone here.

    5. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Sending my prayers along with those from the best of the best...

      Bridget in Minnesota

    6. Saying a prayer for you now, 6:23 p.m., on Friday, March 28th. I love coming to this blog. Donna's blog is peaceful and her readers are women of prayer. Keep the faith!

  7. AND cook!!! I'm still here to cook :D

  8. I must add: I love what happens here, every day. It is a blessing to come and be part of it all.

  9. You are terrific. No doubt about it.

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Thanks be to God that you are here and invite us to come and encourage us.
    Love Langston Hughes and that picture of Julia in her well organized kitchen having fun.
    The good news as I heard it this week: "Nowhere in this Psalm (139:2) does the writer state that God created us to be perfect. We are certainly 'marvelously' made but we are not made for perfection. Perhaps we are made for reflection. We reflect the beauty and wonder of God. We reflect God's love to each other. We ourselves are a reflection of God's love." That is what I find here in my imperfection I find the reflection of God's love in all of you. love and prayers, jep

    1. That is just beautiful....and pretty perfect :o)

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      It was written by Rev. Mary Koppel, an Episcopal priest and mother.

  11. Great post. Makes me smile. :)

  12. Anonymous12:45 PM


    Sarah P. from Iowa

  13. This is just what I needed, thank you! I'm just getting back from almost 3 weeks of vacation (5 days in Vegas home for 3 then off to France for 10) which while wonderful, have left me feeling frantically behind on...well...everything! Thanks for the reminder to breath and just be thankful for the amazing memories I had the chance to make, rather than fuss over what hasn't been done yet!

  14. Anonymous7:58 AM

    That you are, Miz Boo, and for that I am very grateful :)


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