Thursday, April 21, 2005


So while reading the almanac last night *smile* I learned that there is a big island off the east coast of Canada. It is called Baffin Island. If you look east across Baffin Bay you will see big ole Greenland.

So everyone knows Greenland is huge, and most of us have heard of Madagascar. It is always and answer on quiz shows. Katie even knows where Madagascar is. (There is a movie coming out called Madagascar and Katie wanted to know where it was on the map)

But I was bemused to see that Baffin is just a little smaller than Madagascar.
It's bigger than Great Britain and New Zealand.

Poor Canada. They have a very bad PR man. That is for sure!

Okay...I just went to look for pictures and well, it is arctic. Burrr.....
That's why no one goes there.

But here is a little island in Canada I would love to the summer.
Prince Edward Island
And of course there had to be a movie connection...
Isn't Anne of Green Gables just the dearest movie?
I have a soft spot for spunky, dreamy girls with red hair.

I am going to borrow those movies from the library again!
I forgot how much I liked Anne.

Has anyone been to Prince Edward Island?
Do tell.

Encourage one another,

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