A - Age: Seriously!
B - Band listening to right now: All I hear are footsteps.
C - Career future: world famous portrait photographer
D - Dad's name: Jim
E - Easiest person to talk to: I have a few friends. But my friend Karen and I talked every day while we walked for 45 min and we would stand at the corner after our walk and talk for 45 minutes more. Never a lull or dull moment :o)
F - Favorite song:
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears Vitamins
H - Hometown: Wheaton Illinois ( or Elmhurst Illinois)
I - Instruments: knitting needles
J - Job: wife and mother/photographer
K - Kids: four
L - Longest car ride ever: Marinette to Kiawa. 20 hours
M - Mom's name: Esther
N - Number of jobs you've had: ten
P - Phobia[s]: ?
Q - Quote: "I love two things; Everybody and Television" Kenneth on 30 Rock
R - Reason to smile: My new planner made me smile.

S - Song you sang last: Glory and Praise to our God
T - Time you wake up: 6:49
U - Unknown fact about me: I'm a little obsessed with Sarah Palin and asked my husband if he wanted to move to Alaska.
V - Vegetable you hate: lima beans
W - Worst habit: over eating
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, tummy
Y - Yummy food: onion rings
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra

Katie brought home her first report card yesterday! She was really looking forward to it.
And then she was a little scared to open it.
To my surprise they are awarded numbers and not grades.
And checks and plusses.
She did just fine.
No threes. :o)
This afternoon I will go to the parent/teacher conference.
Should be fine.
Katie is learning and growing and adjusting and loving it.
I am thankful for this school.
It seems to be 'the school that time forgot'.
I love this about Blessed Sacrament.
The children are really obedient and respectful of the teachers. The schedule is unusual but I can't image any teacher not
enjoying these students. It's an orderly, happy place where children are cared for and taught with creativity and purpose.
Such a blessing.
Emma is taking on more and more babysitting jobs at school to earn spending money.
She really likes her room mate and has signed up for her spring classes.
My dear daughter in law in having health troubles and is having an ultrasound today.
Could you pray for Melinda, please?

What do you think Katie saw in this, her piece of white bread?
Encourage one another,
How do you spell 'plusses'?
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