Wednesday, April 23, 2014

support. encouragement. love.

My homeschooling friend, Nancy, sent me a link to an article in U.S. New and World report.
She knows I have been concerned about Katie's high school days.  I have, however,  been blessed to get wonderful support and encouragement from everyone.

Here is a screen shot of the article Nancy sent;

And there at #6 is Katie's high school.  Isn't that something?
What a really neat thing!!!!

So thank you for saying....She's going to be fine...because that means so very much to me.

Thank you for encouraging me!

Love,  Donna



  1. I think I've said before that this picture has John Hughes and Molly Ringwald and every great 80s movie written all over it. LOVE it!! And Katie will be just fine and her (exceptionally wonderful) high school. She's got a great background and support system, that's for sure!

    1. AT her...not AND her. Woops!

  2. My sister's kids went to Wisconsin grade and high schools. They each elected out-of-state colleges and came home to announce that, in their opinion, their elementary and secondary educations were FAR superior to those of people they were meeting in college then. The others were having huge problems in BASIC subjects while my nieces and nephews seemed to just whiz through them. Wisconsin has LONG placed a value on its educational systems from the ground up. Kudos to them!!

  3. she's going to be crazy fine!!

  4. It's not the school that makes the student--it's the student that makes the school! And that girl is amazing!! And look at all the time and has YOU will save!

  5. *gas! Stupid phone!

  6. That just made me teary. What a gift to have friends who understand your emotional needs and care enough to meet them.

  7. I love that Katie's high school is so high up on the list of top schools! That is wonderful. Is she excited?

    Kaish is going to 9th grade next year too and I am also fretting. I try to think about the great aspects of high school, but then I think about all the drugs! And I think about not fitting in! And I think about the tremendous amount of homework. Oh my word. I want to pretend it is not happening. A local school to us has had 3 kids overdose and DIE on heroin this year. 3! 3 kids! That just sounds like so many.

    1. You are a good momma, kaish is a good boy. Everything will be alright!!

  8. Hello from the 'burbs of Chicago!

    What a great friend to supply encouraging info. Katie will thrive and be a bright spot at her new school.

    Do they have Moms in Touch? I love that ministry and believe it makes a wonderful difference.

    Bless you, Donna :-)

    1. I have not heard of it...but I will look.

    2. Moms in Touch is great. A great way to meet the moms, too!

  9. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Yay Verona Area High and Katie!
    love and prayers, jep

  10. Anonymous9:34 PM

    How awesome that your school is ranked so highly! Katie Gracie will continue to blossom in high school. She's been given some nice, solid roots from which to grow thanks to her loving family.

    Mary Z


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