Birthday cake
Why is birthday cake so good?
I love it oh so much!
It's good to eat - but even more -
I think it's nice to touch!
It's squashy pink and sticky white
And stuffed with special goo.
With candy roses on the top -
One time my piece had two!
I like to blow the candles out.
I like to make the wish.
But more than all I like to lick
The frosting off the dish.
Now sundaes are quite wonderful.
Banana splits are fine.
But birthday cake is something else -
Especially if it's mine!
~Bobby Katz

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.
~ William Shakespeare
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The soul that rises with us, our life's star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home.
- William Wordsworth
There was a star danced, and under that was I born.
- William Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
I would not say I was born under a lucky star, but a grateful one, yes.
Those of you who were here last year know the drill...
This year I am 48 years old....so I would love to receive 48 comments!
Think it can be done?
You betcha :o)
The girls are still asleep, but I awoke to two cards from my honey, sitting at keyboard and two e-cards. One e-card from Patrick Sr. (after 25 years he is getting the hang of this) and one from my first friend, Cathy.
Cathy and I were childhood playmates. She grew up to be a Dr. in Chicago and was recently married for the first time (three summers ago). Her birthday greeting contained the very best news; she is expecting twins! These are very longed for babies and it's just the happiest news!
Excuse me while I cry and do a happy dance :o)
I just opened the cards from Patrick; one funny and one 'religious serious.'
Both very good cards :o) Thank you!
So I'm headed for a great day!
Help me celebrate my birthday by leaving a comment.
Any old thing will do.
Life is beautiful!
And, what do you know....The Amazing Race Premires tonight!
Thank you very much :o)
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