Have fun making your own candy hearts :o)
This song makes me chuckle. Especially the last two lines.
A little warning...it is slightly risque for young readers.
You drive me crazy
Hello darlin'.
I been gone for awhile.
Come on in and see me,
I ain't wearin' nothin' but a smile.
Just when we should be kissin',
seems like we fuss and fight.
You say you don't know why,
and I say I don't know why.
You drive me crazy,
with all the things you do and do not do.
Umm, I love you so much,
I'm gonna drive you crazy too.
Is it the way you look right past me,
with your hands upon your hips?
Is it the little twinkle in your eye,
or the snear upon your lips?
You drive me crazy,
with all the things you do and do not do.
Umm, I love you so much,
I'm gonna drive you crazy too.
You shoulda married someone,
a whole lot more like you--
drink coffee in the little cafes,
and you could go out shopping too.
I shoulda married someone,
who likes to camp and fish,
and make love for two days straight,
And you say, "don't you wish".
You drive me crazy,
with all the things you do and do not do.
Umm, I love you so much,
I'm gonna drive you crazy too.
I love to sit beside you,
when the storm is past,
and we don't know what happened
but there's sweet peace at last.
We'll be alright for awhile,
and someday we'll be free,
and even if we both still look puzzled
let your face be the last one I see.
-Greg Brown
Please join in and share your favorite romantic love song, poem of love or romantic comedy. And if you have lived a truly romantic moment (like kissing on top of the Eiffel Tower) let us all ooh and aah right along with you !
One of the most romantic things I have seen in the movies is at the very end of Groundhog Day and Bill Murray finally wakes up on Feb. 3 and says to Andie MacDowell,

"What can I do for you today?"
I personally feel warm and fuzzy when my husband takes me out to a lovely dinner and when he cleans the carpet. :o)
How about you?
Encourage one another,
p.s. bbaker, I'm yours.
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