In November I happened upon a bloghost called Blogspirit. It is another free host like blogspot. But it has some very nice and easy features. For instance one can create their own photo galleries.
Click here to see what I came up with.
Pretty cool, don't ya think?
This could be used as a on-line photo album you could share with your family and friends.
Also I have a recipe blog which I created on blogspot. I have a link to this on my sidebar; Recipes I have know and loved.
You can find that here.
This is very easy to do and I think your children would love it if you saved your recipes for them.
Camy called me yesterday afternoon to tell me she had a double batch of Esther's spaghetti on her stove! Isn't that just the coolest thing? She used some of her own canned tomatoes--I'll bet it was delicious.
Camy is a friend I met at The Well Trained Mind message board. She has been a true gift from God. (You know I say that God will give you the friends He wants you to have) Well Camy is a bright, loving, fun, thoughtful, sister in Christ and she is just such a gift!
Camy and her husband have seven children-number seven is currently in her tummy :o)
They have five boys and one girl---with twin boys being their first---really just the opposite of our family :o)
Our father would have loved all of those football lovin' boys! He always wanted a baseball team of his own! Instead he got six girly girls and one big tall son who was not too interested in sports.
We never really felt that our father would exchange us for boy...but...

When we would go out to eat at those Paul Bunyan places where you get to eat all you want--it drove him nuts that we would fill up on the donuts (that the restaurant placed on the table before your meal came) and not eat a ton of food.
His dream was to coast into a Paul Bunyan's with nine big strappin' boys and get his money's worth!!!
We can all dream ;o)
Anyway back to Camy...feel well today! I hope the vitamins in the spaghetti gave you some much needed energy. Thanks for letting me know you tried our mom's recipe.
She would be so happy you liked it! She was a very young bride with very limited cooking skills but she became a wonderul, wonderful cook!
Encourage one another...just as you all encourage me--daily,
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