Jean and I had a lovely visit yesterday.
When she arrived we hugged in the driveway. Twice. Once for Diane @ Circle of Quiet.
Thanks Diane :o)
We talked about blogging and why we are enjoying it so much.
We jumped in the car and headed to Barnes and Noble.
I spotted a darling picture book called Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes.
Very cute.
"It was Kitten's first full moon.
When she saw it, she thought,
There's a little bowl of milk in the sky.
And she wanted it."
A bowl of milk in the sky. Isn't that clever.
And then I bought myself a copy of French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure
by Mireille Guiliano
Jean carried around a handfull of books and then showed restraint and bought only one :o)
We headed to Whole Foods and had lunch. I had a Curried Chicken salad and Jean had Sonoma Chicken Salad. They were both delicious!
Jean brought in her new copy of Rod and Staff 8th grade English and we discussed English, Act, PSAT scores, protein and diets.

We had a little time left so we visited the fancy-schamcy knitting store.

We oohed and ahhed and felt yarn and imagined the possibilities.
Alas it was time to head home, to meet up with Jean's family.
I am so thankful we meet at The Well Trained Mind message board.
We have so much in's really a pleasure to spend time with her.
One funny---
As many of you know, Jean has many cats and kittens on her farm. She knows and loves cats. Maggie our very sassy cat came downstairs to check Jean out. Jean quietly bent down to greet Maggie. Jean gently scratched Maggie's ears.
Maggie looked at Jean. And hissed!
Nice cat!
Wishing you all such a lovely visit with a friend.
Minus the sassy cat.
Encourage one another,
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