Friday, September 06, 2024


So, have you ever had a CAT scan?
It's really a breeze.  Compared to an MRI on your breast or your liver.  A CT scan is a cakewalk.

You lie on your back with a foam triangle under your knees and usually hold on to something above your head.  Then you go in and out and in and our of a donut shaped thing.

It's not painful or loud.
I have had seven or eight in the last year.

50% of the time I needed DYE injected into my IV half way thru.
They warn you that the dye will feel uncomfortable in your arm and maybe your throat and probably in your crotch..  Yes. Your crotch.  

Here is the text I wrote to my husband, Patrick, upon completely my CT scan.

Dear Patrick,

I will never NOT think this is hilarious.


Patrick went to almost every appointment with me.  He was still working, however,  when I went to the following appointment.

I really didn't mind....

Oh. Yes. He. Can.


Truly, Patrick ran to Walgreens daily for me.

He did now win a prize from Walgreens.
But he won my heart.


When my hair fell out in the goofiest way ever I wrote to Matthew and told him I looked just like
 Ben Franklin.  
He decided to find a lovely wig for me.

Only 1 left.



We know how to have fun around here!!!

Encourge one another.

Donna Boo



  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I love your family humor and love of Jesus! 🥰

  2. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I am crying about these texts!!! Fun can save the day, can’t it?
    xoxo Mary Z

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Oh my stars. This is all so hilarious! Also I heard years ago that laughter is a good cancer fighter. Sounds like the Boucher arsenal is full! Love Anita

    1. Makes me happy to make you laugh , Anita.

  4. Robin in New Jersey2:56 PM

    Oh Donna, this warms my heart. Your husband putting the marriage vows, "in sickness and in health" to the test. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing. 💞

    1. Hi Robin! It's so good to hear from you!


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