Have you heard the new country hit?
I met Jesus
behind the paint counter
at the Home Depot,
Well, hang onto your hats buckaroos, it's a comin' your way.
All because of a little paint chip miracle.
It all started with a website. I spotted a dining room painted the most lovely shade of blue, my eyes had ever seen.
I feel madly, deeply for it, I tell ya.
So I left a comment pleading for the name of the blue paint.
Weeks passed as I pined away for the name of my true love.
Then, it appeared. The kind blogger replied.
The paint's name was Rainwashed by Behr.
I wrote it down on a scrap of scrappy paper.
I will never forget you, my dear.
A few months later with graduation looming in the very near future, I decide it's time. To paint.
So off I go with my scrap of paper.
I head right for the Behr paint chip wall.
There. Got it.
I hand the chip to the very lovely paint maker woman.
And she gets to work making me a teeny can of paint so I can slap it on the walls to test it out.
Cause that's the right thing to do.
On my walls Rainwashed looks baby blue, not so robin's egg blue.
But I trust that it's gonna be okay.
Last Saturday morning, I headed over to the Home Depot in my F150 Pick-up to gather the paint.
Naw. Just kidding.
I was in a blue Volvo.
At the paint counter, I stumble for the name, 'rain...rain...' and head toward the chips to find it.
But the kind old paint-man says, 'Rainwashed?'
I'll never forget you, again.
The paint gets mixed, shaken, (not stirred) and I am on my way.
I paint the ceiling pure white.
Lynn arrives and sees the color patches of the walls and thinks they look cool.
But reserves further comment. (which was probably killing her, but she was being kind)
She decides to tackle the sliding door. It is the harder job and she is a fighter.
I open a can of blue paint and roll it right next to the sample patch.
And it is completely different.
Lynn, says, "I like that much better!"
"I do, too. What is going on?"
So I look for the sample quart.
Lynn and I compare the 'ingredients'.
They are completely different.
The lady at the counter gave me the wrong stuff. She must have just gotten confused.
She mixed me some Rainwater instead of Rainwashed.
And to this Lynn states, 'You met Jesus at the paint counter.'
And we giggle and marvel at our little paint miracle.
Just the right color.
Lynn is sure we would have hated the Rainwater. 'Too cold. Definitely would have given us headaches. You would have hated it in a week.'
So I paint and paint and Lynn says over and over...
This is a great color!"

And just yesterday as I dug thru the mess to start putting the family room back together, I found the original paint chip.
The one I chose and handed to the first paintmaker.

Click it.
Can you read it?
It says Rainwater.
It was my fault.
I pulled the wrong chip.
Here is what I wrote to Lynn,
When I picked out the paint chip at Home Depot, I picked out Rain Water.
It was my fault all along.
I have Rain Washed handwritten on my paper...but the chip I chose said Rain water!!!
And here is her reply;
"Well. That's an even BIGGER miracle! Jesus knew exactly what you needed.
This is proof that Jesus cares about color. You ended up with the correct color in spite of yourself!
I wonder how many other people have met Jesus at the paint counter?"
I wonder too!
Now, who can we get to sing this sure fire hit?
Encourage one another,
Come back tomorrow for the first hand, inside scoop on American Idol!