Last year I ended the year thinking about stories
and how we all have them
and how they matter...
My story is one of family.
Emma started Grad School at DePaul.
One day she will be a counselor.
We are so proud of her.
Katie played volleyball a lot and enjoyed it so much.
Patrick came home a few times this year. It is so wonderful to be with him.
He continues to work hard in California and play more golf than you can imagine.
We made many visits to Chicago.
Matthew and Melinda became parents for the second time....
Malachi was born in May. He is such a happy baby.
Ginny grew up and learned to smile.
We did fun things.
Katie got a hair cut.
Emma ran a marathon.
I did what I do best. Took pictures of family.
Cindy got married to her very own Patrick.
The man...the mystery...
On the needles at the end of the year...
And as for next year....
Who knows....
But I do believe...
All will be well.
Encourage one another.
Love you.
Mean it.
p.s. Tomorrow. Ten Years of Blogging @ Quiet Life.
I can't believe it.