Monday, May 25, 2020

The rolling stones....

Please, if you will...notice the dates on this Facebook post.

These things pop up in my memories.
 Here is the amazing situation I've got going in 2020.

I've been having kidney stone attacks for a month. 
Had an x-ray this week and I indeed have a stone that is moving into place to cause havoc.
I will be having surgery on June 2nd.

The Doc will go in and blast the trouble maker and hopefully get the other stones (2) that have been sitting in my kidney for all these years.  We take their picture every year and they don't change.  But this month, one of the bigger stones has decided it's time to go.

The procedure is not bad.  But guess what?  I have to get a covid19 test at some drive up place.
This test looks ghastly.

Have any of you gotten the swab test.  Tell me it doesn't hurt.  Tell me it's not bad.

I don't mind the throat swabs.....

I would much rather give blood.  Wish that was a choice.

Tell me it's no big deal.  I need to know.

Big chicken,


  1. Dear Donna, I have not had a covid test myself. I understand that there are different ways of testing. Praying the way they test you will not hurt. AND, we will be praying for successful surgery on June 2nd. I did have surgery back in early March and the removal (not kidney stone) has improved my lifestyle 100%. Thank God for doctors and all medical personnel and their knowledge. God be with you Dear One!
    love and prayers, jep

    1. i pray you are recovering well. love you.

  2. Oh no, Dear Donna! I had to have a COVID-19 test done prior to my surgery in May (arthroscopic knee surgery). I have to be honest...they had to stick a long swab all the way into my sinus cavity through my nose. It didn’t necessarily hurt but was very uncomfortable! BUT, it’s only for a second! You’ll be fine! Glad you’re having surgery before the kidney stone moves on down. Mine was 9cm and, I guess, was in the urethra??? I had developed an infection so they couldn’t blast it until the infection was cleared up. Placed a stent in and waited. Geez! Nothing in my life is simple, or so it seems but kidney stones are nothing to mess around with. Good luck with your surgery and I’ll be praying for you! ❤️🙏❤️

  3. I add my prayers, for a quick test, and smooth sailing for the procedure. Lean on the everlasting arms, and remember we are praying for you! I'm sorry you have to do this, Donna xx

  4. So sorry to hear this, Donna!! Prayers for smooth sailing through the test and surgery. Sending love and ((hugs))!!

  5. So sorry to hear you’re suffering. I’ve had the test. Didn’t hurt but not very comfortable. They had me sit on my hands as I guess the 1st reaction is to grab their hands. I’ve had numerous stones over the last 40+ years. The stones hurt way worse. Drink drink drink. Fresh lemon juice in water twice a day. Will be praying for you! (((hugs))) ��

  6. Fred G1:58 PM

    The Covid-19 swab test is more uncomfortable than it is painful. I would rather have the nasal swab than the throat swab. Piece of cake! Good luck with the blasting procedure

  7. Oh no, Donna. I will be praying for a successful surgery next week. Does that require an overnight stay? Keep the faith. You know your QL readers love you. ❤

    1. That is so sweet Robin! I love you all too!
      No overnight.

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Donna, I will be praying for you on Tuesday, that your surgery will be successful and you will be pain-free after you have recovered. I am so sorry that you are having this health issue. I echo Robin above, you are loved.

    Debbie Z.


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