Last year I picked up a little five dollar calendar from our local library and I just loved the artwork and the theme. The theme was Down on the Farm. This quote was on the first page;
If a man can't be happy on a little farm in Wisconsin,
he doesn't have the makings of happiness in his soul.
-Nick Engelbert (1881-1962), farmer-artist
I have a longing to live on a farm. It is really the "idea" of a farm...I know the reality is much, much different than my dream. And to be honest, I don't know if I have what it takes to be a true farm girl.
I would like "the good parts version" of a farm life. For me it's all about the view and the clouds and the fresh eggs and the kittens and the breeze.
I choose not to dream about the manure and the flies and the cold mornings and the hard work.
My way :o)
Thanks Sweetie
Just so I don't get the credit for learning how to post a photo...
Thank you dear, sweet, gentle spirit, computer-savy, fourteen year old daughter, Emma!
She even wrote out directions for me last night so I could put my photo up this morning.
Me: Emma, could you write out directions for me so I don't have to wake you up in the morning when I want to blog?
Emma: Mom!!!
Also, thanks to the many offers of help I received from my friends in space. :o)
Do you think I could consider that computer class and a writing assignment? *wink*
If you like the picture of the painting above be sure to check out the artists webpage.
One of my favorite books that I have read for entertainment in the last few years is a book called Fifty Acres and a Poodle by Jeanne Marie Laskas. It is funny, funny, funny!
That's all folks....enjoy the view!
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