Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Encourage one another...the aftermath.

 Since 2004 this blogspace has been a place for encouragement.

A place for beauty. friends, faith and fun.

I was short on those things and felt too overwhelmed to share my illness with the world.  So I didn't.

As Nora Ephron says "Everything is copy."  ("meaning that anything and everything that happens to you is fair game to write about.")

Nora died of a blood disease.  And she did not write about it.  

I could not write about my cancer either.

I could not even communicate well about it to my family.  Patrick became a great liaison for me. He kept our families informed about each appointment, about the healing of wounds, ER visits and low days.  

As Ethyl says about Norman in On Golden Pond, "You are my knight in shining armour, don't you forget it." I now say this earnestly about my dear husband.

There is a reason, I'm sharing this now.  Because  I've needed encouragement ABOUT MY HAIR and have not found any on line.  I'm going to provide pictures to show the progression of how hideous it is to lose your hair (it was for me) and how long it takes to grow back.  

"This is what you want to share, Donna?"

Yes. This what I want to share.  

In a nutshell I will fill you in:

Sept 15, 2023 I was diagnosed with Triple Neg. Breast Cancer. .9

Nov 15, 2023 Surgery. Lumpectomy. Three lymph nodes removed to check for cancer.

Nov ?, 2023. Clear margins.  Lymph nodes clear.

Dec. 20, 2023 Chemo starts. four rounds. 

March 4, 2024 Final Chemo

May 5, 2024  Hospitalization for blood clots in leg and lungs

May 15, 2024 Radiation starts.  

June 5, 2024 Final Radiation. 

All done.  We've done what we can.  Just hope and pray this nasty form of cancer hasn't traveled.  And for that... I just wait.  

Wait and grow my hair!

See....the weird thing is as I was hiding away with my cancer so no one had to know, my hair is a blabber mouth after all the treatments are done.

Okay.  Here we go with the pictures.  Ready.

Should I  bury the lead and show you my hair now? nope. gotta wait.

I bought hats. I don't like hats. But I bought hats.

Got a trim just before chemo.

I tried a cold cap.  This is suppose to save your hair by making it so cold that the chemicals can't get to your hair roots. You wear it during chemo and it adds hours to your treatment.
 It is costly. 

Ice on my hair after wearing the cold cap.

Finished with first chemo and first cold cap.
Feeling just fine and ready to go home.  
Wondering how I will feel in the days to come...

Three weeks later.  My hair started falling out.
Jan 11th, 2024

I'd say over 70% of my hair fell out.

I started wearing hats.  I would not look at myself in the mirror.

You see, my hair was the last thing I had going for me.
Don't argue.  Everything else. Pretty much shot.

Now I looked like Ben Franklin on a good day and Gollum on a bad day.

And so I wore hats and was happy to have those long strands to create the illusion of still having nice hair. ha.  The second Chemo I was mad about the hair falling out and an ill timed comment by my doctor's assistant....and I could not deal with the cold cap so decided not to use it.
(Good news about that, I got a big refund)

And this was my winter.  Watching Kdramas.  Being lonely. 
One day at a time.

I washed and fluffed my hair.  
I know so many, maybe even most would shave it all off but not me.

 I liked my strands.  A lot.

And then this happened to my face!
I'm showing you this because it's just too hilarious.
I'm humbled enough already...
thank you very much.

Then I saw this picture of my hair in my memories.
Nice hair girl.

Last day of Chemo.
The strands of hair are almost gone.

Almost. Gone.

So I cut them. 

Now.  So we can see how fast/slow my hair grows. I will date them.
May 3, 2024
Two months post final chemo.

May 8th!  
My hair is growing.

Looking good in back. 

May 21. Feels so soft.
But terribly embarrassed to be in public without a hat.
But let me tell you a funny thing about hats on bald heads.  They slide up and off.
It's very annoying.

Janet sent me lip gloss to look more feminine.

Maybe a scarf will help.
May 31, 2024

June 5th 2024
Done with all treatments.

I am the bearer of cowlicks.  My widows peak is returning.
June 14, 2024

My hair color is exactly like my brother Jim's now.  
June 14, 2024

I found a headband with a bow.  This makes me happy and I can go out in public.
June 22, 2024

June 24th 2024

It feels really slow.  
Quite thick. But not as long as I would have expected
June 27th 2024

July 4th 2024.
four months post final chemo.

July 21st.

It doesn't feel like it is growing.
Only if I look back at the May pictures am I reminded of how it was.

Aug 6th.

Aug 11th 2024
A good week of hair growing

August 14th
Washed and fluffed.

Aug 14th 2024

Aug 14th 2024
Five Months Post chemo.

I will continue to update you all on the state of my hair.

1. The cold cap did not work for me at all.

2. I have taken two vitamins and used one serum on my hair.
I do not know if they worked.
I used vitamins and serum from Champo.
And I used Mary Ruths Liquid Morning and Hair growth vitamins.

I'm not horrified to look at myself now. So that is really good.

And now I've outed myself about The cancer so I don't have to hide and you will know why my hair is so short when I post on FB or Insta or here.

Patrick is retired now.  He has been my helper as mentioned above.  That gives me a good topic for next time I think.

The helpers.

Please don't be mad at me because I couldn't share more publically.  I know you would all have been praying like crazy for me.  

Love you.  Missed you. Mean it.



  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    you never cease to amaze me. I just can’t believe that you went about this without looking for help from the people that love you so much. I just I’m so proud of you and I really get what you’re going through even though I can’t get it, but I understand the hair thing and I think you’re so incredibly strong and I’m very, happy that you’re able to share with us now and it really makes me love you even more

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      it’s nicole

    2. Thank you Nicole, for leaving such a loving comment.

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Donna ,
    I love you ! I know this was hard and very BRAVE of you!! Looking good Billy Ray!! 🥰
    Sis’ Cindy

    1. Feelin' good Louis. I love you right back, dear helper.

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You’re the best. Beautiful ❤️

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM


  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    BADASS WARRIOR is what you are! And a beauty with and without hair. Good golly miss Molly you have been through the ringer! Take care of you!!!

    1. I never felt badass. I'll have to come up with a relatable and not so obscure reference to how I've felt.

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Love you so much and very proud of your strength and courage through this trial!! You are looking beautiful with your new, thick hair!!! Janet. :)

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I understand. I’m glad you are alive. Missed you.

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Oh my friend, my friend. Can we cook you a hundred meals? Discuss good books? Look at old soccer photos? Oh, hey. Pray in the waiting with you? Doggone it. That darn cancer. Go and never come back! (Can I quote one of my role models and say "Love you. Mean it.") Anita

  9. Thank you for sharing - I am so glad to see you coming through! Will be praying for you for renewed strength and vigor and luscious hair!

    1. Thank you Kim. I do need to get stronger. So thank you for praying for that!

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You have been on quite the ride, and I am so thankful that you are on the other side. I love the short sassy hair! Thanks for being brave and sharing with us :). Amy

    1. As you know, I had many laughs along with the tears. Thank you for being a good friend!

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Praying for you in your cancer fight!! FYI, one of my sisters is currently fighting cancer, so know that you are not alone in this and that God is with you both every step of the way!! ❤️ Dawn K

    1. Thank you Dawn. I don't have many tips but if your sister struggles with wound care, mucositis or constipation have her get in touch with me. Blessings to your sister. Sisters are the best medicine.

  12. Big hug from Georgia. I admire you, your courage, and the camaraderie you foster: such a blessing to others even when you're down.

    1. Thank you Dana. It's nice to hear from you.

  13. Oh my lanta. Thank you for sharing this, and I think I understand why you waited.

    It's a lot (understatement ) for you and Patrick, your family members to walk through, to process.

    The photos tell the story, thanks for these.

    You're amazing. Cheering you on, and sending love from over here xx

    1. Thank you Susan. Know that your cheery posts of pretty Switzerland and beautiful book covers made me smile.

  14. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Dear, dear Donna. Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing this in the always lovely QLCS. So very glad you are done with treatment AND your hair is far from the last thing you have going for you. No arguments, no talk back. Love you so much, friend.

    1. Thank you dear Mary. Love you right back.

  15. You look adorable in the headband with the bow. Sassy. Thank you for sharing although you feel so very vulnerable. I'm sure it took a lot of courage. Prayers for continued healing, strength and hair growth. Two people I know that went through breast cancer treatment had their hair grow back thicker and curlier than before so I hope that's in your future. Long, luxurious , wavy locks. I love hats but hate the way I look in them. And the Ben Franklin comment made me truly LOL. Hugs!!!

    1. My sister Cindy said she would do anything for love....but not shave her head. And I whole-heartedly agreed that she should NOT DO THAT! However, they make a hilarious Ben Franklin wig that I thought would be hilarious to make her wear! She is one of my heros in this whole thing.....and that should come as no surprise to anyone. I have been so blessed.

  16. Karen8:13 AM

    I'm glad you were ready to share now. Bless the helpers. And bless you.

  17. Anonymous6:08 PM

    God Bless you dear Donna. I hope writing this was therapeutic for you. Praying for you! -Melene

  18. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Donna, Beautiful and Brave! Shared with humility and amazing Grace!
    I pray all your days ahead be full and Free! Sent with a big Marinette hug and prayer!

    1. Thank you Denise. It's so very nice to hear from you.

  19. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Dear Donna, I love you. I love how you share yourself. I love how you face life's ups and downs. I love your old hair. I love your new hair. I love how you love Shoehi Ohtani and baseball. Janet's hair grew back so beautifully after chemo. It was curly and pure white. I quit coloring my hair in 2019 and while I don't dislike the natural highlights and some color remaining, I envy her beautiful white hair. She had our mom's great nails, too, as does my daughter Cassie but that's another story. I am praying for you.

    Sandy C.

    1. Sandy, I was expecting big bald patches and curls. So I don't hate this stage. melinda says I should enjoy each stage as it grows out and try all the things. I'm very tempted to go platinum! I love your right back. Truly.

  20. How I have missed you and your beautiful posts. Thank you for sharing your cancer journey and your hair journey. Life has a way of humbling us but it was never about the hair and how we look, it's about our inner spirit and strength. There is a beauty in that which is greater than all the lovely locks. Be well and enjoy all the little things, for they are important.

    1. Thank you! I missed hearing from so many long time friends. Air show next weekend! Little....loud things! ha

  21. Beautiful post; beautiful human — inside and out. Sending you love and encouragement, Donna.

  22. Thank you. I've missed it too.

  23. Dear Donna, ONLY YOU could write such a gracious, heartbreaking, honest, funny, real post. You have a book inside you, I know you do. You are in my prayers; your name is on a post-it note on my computer monitor to remind me. I lost a lot of hair after Covid and I remember being a sitting duck for ANY product that would make my hair grow back. Absolutely anything. I wish I could bring popcorn and fizzy drinks over and watch K Dramas with you. Thank you for being you.
    Love you. Mean it. Carol

    1. Thank you Carol! I have the laminated quote you sent sitting right here beside me. Courage, dear heart. I love it.


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