Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"The things you think you can't survive you somehow divinely make it through."

Over the last year I have saved quotes that encouraged me while going thru treatment.

"I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay.
Small acts of kindness and love."

My brother in law sent this to me.  We are not generally in touch.
But he thought of me one day and sent it.
I found comfort in this.

My other brother in law, whom I generally don't text...
texted Patrick almost daily asking about me.
Knowing someone cares and is checking in is a sweet comfort.

I had two pesky wounds that took from Nov. 15 until May 15ish to heal.
The healing was indeed miraculous. I was told over and over by the oncologist that
'these will not heal when you are on Chemo.'
After some dramatic wound events, Patrick learned how to take care of my wounds and packed and dressed them twice a day.
He prayed that they would heal. Diligently.
He was sure they would heal.
And they did.
Patrick and I have been married for 44 years.  I'm not aware of much praying going on in those first 40 years....

He has, however,  become the family prayer warrior in the last few years.
This is a miracle too.
He has been encouraged to have witnessed many answered prayers.
I couldn't really pray much for myself so I am thankful for a husband who lifts me and the children up in prayer with great faith in the outcome.

I'm sure you all have had some sort of trauma in your life.  A restful night's sleep is a challenge.  
It took great effort to stop the reel of traumatic events from playing over and over.
Seeing the events from start to finish.
Telling your story over and over in your head.
This is trauma. 
I learned to catch those thoughts. 
I had to recognize what I was doing.
"Okay, I'm spiraling again. Yes.  It was awful. It is over now.
You are safe.  Give it to God."

It was the unexpected things that got me.

This is the best way I can think of as to how I felt.
Not badass at all.

I surrender all

Cindy. Every morning.

Day after surgery.

crosses and hearts from the holy land.

Sisters always praying and loving.

and cleaning. haha

Children remembering to pray.

My constant.

Like the prayers being spoken for George Bailey at the beginning of "It's a Wonderful Life",
the prayers for me lifted and surrounded me as I slowly healed.

The good parts. 
The encouraging parts.

If I want to become a stand up comedian I have a few wild
stories that would, I promise, have you laughing so hard.

How can something so traumatic be so hilarious?

I do know a few things;

I'd rather make someone laugh than cry.

Positive statements are calming.
"It is going to heal." 
(my favorite)

No matter how this ends up,
I get to go be with Jesus.

And so it goes.

Next time.

What do I do with this life,
when I can't do much?

Love you. Mean it.
Encourage one another,
Donna Elsie


  1. Donna, you are a world-class nourisher. I guess that is similar to an encourager, but you are truly gifted. Thank you for these posts. I want to hear the hilarious stories! I know you want to make us laugh. But I cried reading about Patrick. What a gift he is to you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just know that the title of my memoir is now,
      Honey, You Shudda Shit Your Pants.

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    So grateful for your healing and your beautiful, supportive village!!! Love you. Mean it. And would love to hear some of your funny stories!
    Mary Z

    1. Maybe some day, Mary. I'd rather tell you in person. Slap stick!

  3. one of the blessings of working with my husband is to hear the way he encourages his patients..... he's stellar at telling jokes! laughter is indeed good medicine!! I see it has helped you too. Prayers for you and yours

    1. I'll bet his patients love him. i really couldn't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous things I went thru at our highly esteemed cancer center. Mind blown.

  4. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I am so thankful for Patrick’s prayers for you and your family. What a hige blessing! I am sure your funny stories are hilarious. I am continuing my prayers for you!

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    That was me, Sandy C.

  6. Thanks for sharing more with us, Donna.
    These encouraging quotes are important.
    We all need reminding of what matters.
    When things are so very difficult,
    what a comfort for you to have family to lean on.
    Especially your Patrick. ❤️

  7. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Those husbands. Full of surprises and serving. Mine couldn't change diapers or watch his kids bleed, but he dressed my wound for a full summer. And cried when he saw me dance at our talent show. When you are all better, let's dance together. Whaddya say? (Love, Anita)

    1. Deal. Incredible to see my husband morph into a CNA. haha.I'm glad Byron was there for you in this tender way. Lots of love, friend.

  8. I am so happy to have read news from you! Such a long silence. Bit you have been well looked-after and it is so good§

    1. Yes. it is good. thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  9. Becky (life with Kaish)5:01 PM

    I saw the post and instantly started to cry. I am so thankful you overcame. God knew we needed your positivity longer. I can’t wait to hear all of the funny stories. Laughing is the best medicine of all. Sending all the love and all the prayers.

    1. Thank you for being here Becky. You are the most positive person I know!

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    You were so kind to ask about my family after seeing my posts on Instagram. It touched me that you noticed something was off. And to think you were going theough all of this makes me weepy. You are a blessing. I’m so glad you have all the support you need to focus on healing and growing stronger.My prayers are with you. Love you. Mean it. ❤️ Renee


    1. Thank you for your prayers, Renee. They mean so much to me.


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