Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Thunderbirds were loud and so was I.

As I mentioned in the last post, Patrick has retired.  His main focus has been taking care of me and the house and Ginny.  As soon as I was finished with treatments Patrick started his own summer of appointments and walking and PT.  So his retirement has been a dud.  He does, however, like not working.  He likes not doing anything. 

We finally were able to take a trip to visit the kids.
Matthew and I schemed to go to the Offut Air Force base Air Show.
Patrick Jr. of course would join us and when I mentioned to Emma that we were going to Omaha,
she really wanted to come and see everyone, too.  So a quick family gathering fell into messy place.
Katie stayed home and watched Ginny for us as she did not have time off on such short notice.  It's a shame she couldn't come, but the boys and Emma had all been here in the Spring and she saw everyone then.

Please enjoy these random pictures.  

We congregated at Matthew and Melinda's.
They handle the chaos well.

The big kids. 

We watched the air show at a near by lake. (I'm not quite strong enough to hike thru a big crowd at a airforce base yet, so Matthew found the perfect spot.)  We parked under big poplar trees and basically had a picnic with an airshow thrown in.  This suited us all better than sitting in the sun on the tarmac!  
(It was in the 90's)

We took a photo!  Yay. Patrick Jr. was not there yet. Boo.
He has a little guy and he works around naps and does a great job!

Fun photobomb. 
Malachi  (6th grade) and Asher (8th grade)

Emma and happy little Jordan.

Jordan dear

Dottie, Patrick's oldest gal.  He will be a first grader,
homeschooled by mom.  She is reading already and just loves books.

Silas is my buddy.  He planted his mini chair next to my big chair and we had a chat.  

Zeke made friends with a cicada.  
(He is my friend, too)

Emma has been my airshow buddy for years.
We saw so many shows in Chicago together!

Melinda looking beautiful as usual!
She is not really a fan...might have something to do with the sunburn she had while laboring with Asher after a hot sunny airshow back in 2010.

Oh, how everyone loves having their pictures taken! haha
I'm glad to have the memory.  Sunday morning at a park before we all head home.

Patrick snapped the best shot of the day!  The original photo is a 'live' version and you can see the jets flying and starting the smoke!  It's great!
Griffin was unimpressed!  


Hair growth photos
Aug 22nd
five and 1/2 months post chemo

To see more of the hair story follow link below

 Quiet Life: The Aftermath


So there you have my awkward return to family blogging.
I've got another post in the works so that should be up soon.
Thank you for the kind comments on the last blog.
They were as lovely as always.  I feel so fortunate to have you all in my life.

Encourage one another,



  1. First off, the hair is COMING BACK! It's cute and sassy, imho.

    And time with the kids and grands is THE BEST. I'm so glad you found shade and could enjoy being together. My grands call their get-togethers "cousin time" and they love being with each other. It only happens a few times a year.

    Thank you so much for reopening your blog. It remains the best place on the internet since 2004 (?). It is my fond hope to take a photo like your cover photo when I go to Paris in a few weeks.

    Love you. Mean it.

    1. Paris!! Swoon!!!

    2. How exciting! Paris! If you want the address of the flower shop , let me know! It's in the 5th arr. right by the metro stop
      (a lovely area)

  2. Such a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You are loved dear Stephie. I treasure our long and rich friendship.

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Hi Donna. The photos of your family are so beautiful. I’m so glad you all were able to get together. You are as beautiful as ever and I mean that. God bless. Love Jeanne M

  5. All the heart emojis sent your way!

  6. It's so good to see you back to blogging. And to see your progress in healing! I love your new short 'do. My sister-in-law is walking through the same journey, and has recently lost her hair. She holds strong to the knowledge that this is just a step toward healing. You are in my prayers for a complete return to health. Grandkids are definitely a reward for raising children. :) I only have 2 - both boys, and brothers. They live about 5 hours away, so I am always so thankful for FaceTime and no long-distance charges! Those two boys are probably the only 2 I'll ever have. Which might be a good thing, because I'm not sure I'd have the energy for more. LOL!

    1. Hi Jody! Oh! The children do take A LOT of energy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels it! Im sorry your grandchildren are far away. I do not like it one bit as mine are all far away too. Im sorry your sister in law is going thru this...she has a good attitude! If she needs to see regrowth pictures have her stop by the blog.

  7. The hair photos are great - second one looks like an author photo - just saying!!!


    1. that's me....blog author, that is.


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