Saturday, January 26, 2019

I try to find words...

Adding to the beauty....

There is nothing more beautiful to me than watching Gabriella Papadakis and 
Guillaume Cizeron ice dance.

Following is their winning performance in the 2019 European Championships.

Passionate, graceful, gorgeous, and perfect.

So very beautiful.

But really.

No words can do this justice.

photo by Kathleen Michel
found on Gabriella's Instagram

Encourage one another,


  1. They are perfect, yet keep getting better!!!! Simply beautiful❤️

    1. The only other couple that shows this much passion and beauty....Claire and Jamie.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    All I can say is, Wow. I don't watch ice dancing so thank you for this treat this morning. Such beauty and grace.

    Debbie Z.


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