"What did he do with Eve?
"He made her a housewife."
Oh my. So funny.
Quiet Life Edition of Kids say the Darnest Things.
Do you keep a little list of the funny things your children say?
My sister Cindy was always telling me I should keep track over the years.
I remember better the things that popped out of my mouth when I was a little girl better than the things my children have said.
I was without filters, I'm afraid.
Years ago all of the little Glyman children were at the dentist.
This was an hours long ordeal. My mom would try to squeeze four/five appointments together.
So we were stuck in the waiting room for a long time.
As we waited, a very heavy man entered the room.
I walked right up to the man and said, "Boy are you fat!"
My mother said she wanted to die and wished she could escape the waiting room.
But she was stuck.
More evidence of the fall, I suppose ;o)
Why don't you share in the comments one of the darndest things you or your children have said.
We could all use a little chuckle on a Monday!
The Quiet Life gathering at Panera in Madison was off to a slow start...
Without a cell phone I was in the dark as to why no one showed up.
But then Lynn came. My constant. I knew she would come.
Where was Steph?
Sweating it out at a different Panera, void of any welcoming, adoring faces.
Steph, fortunately had her laptop and was able to recheck the plans on the blog and realize her boo-boo.
Lynn and I were super happy that she found her way!
What lovely, smart, creative, faithful, beautiful women they are!
Such a blessing to me in so many ways!
Do not underestimate the importance of prayer.
I prayed for friends.
They have come along.
And I am so blessed.
Now. Share your darndest thing!
Thanks :o)
Encourage one another,
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